Category Archives: Whole School

Book Cover Competition

                                               Book Cover Competition
We are looking for a cover for the new school book,
Tolle Lege 2
❖ 1st Prize is to have your drawing or painting on the front
cover of the book PLUS a voucher for Smyths Toy Store!
❖ 2nd Prize is to have your drawing or painting on the back
cover of the book PLUS a voucher for Smyths Toy Store!
❖ Runners-up will have their pictures featured inside the

❖ Entries must be on A4 paper, portrait format.
❖ Entries can be drawn or painted.
❖ Entries should be colourful and eye catching.
❖ Entries can be about the school or about being creative or about stories in general.
❖ Entries must be original. They CANNOT features characters from films, TV or books.
❖ Entries must not feature any writing.
❖ Your name and class MUST be written on the back.
❖ Entries MUST be submitted by Monday 9th of May at the latest.

Good luck! We can’t wait to see what the pupils of St Augustine’s come up with.
Many thanks,
The Editorial Team,
St Augustine’s Primary School

What’s on this week at St.Augustine’s?



Assembly – Pr.6 and 7 pupils – 9.00 – 9.40am  Mrs. Docherty –  hall.

Jillian Mortimer – PGDE – placement Rm 15, 25.4 – 27.5

Scottish National Standardised Assessments  – Pr. 7 – Mrs Elliott(am), Mrs Drummond (pm)

DGillooly to cover Rm 10 – pm

Pr. 4 – Church visit – pm

LIAM Programme-Mrs Elliott

Tues 26th


Assembly – Pr.2 and 3  pupils – 9.00 – 9.40am  Mrs. Elliott- hall.

11.15 am LIAM programme – Mrs Elliott

Pr. 4 Church visit – pm

Fluoride varnish – 9.30 – Nursery, Pr. 1 – 4.

Wed.27th Assembly – Pr. 4- 5 pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall

Mr s Elliott-Literacy Profile Assessments (am)

Celtic Foundation – 6 week programme

9-9.45 in P6 Room 15 then to hall at 9.45 am until 10.30am.

10.30 am- 11 am to Room 12 P6/7 in class then to hall after interval until just before 12 noon. (or other way round hall then class?)

1.30pm in hall with P7 Room 9 then to class for 2.15pm until 3pm. This is the last week

Provide updates for Friday assembly – confirm dancers, gymnasts, etc who will participate in the assembly


Thurs 28th Assembly Pr. 1 and 2 pupils 9.15 -9.50- Mrs Elliott – hall

Pr. 7 Rm 9 – Summerlee Heritage Museum visit

Vision screening – eye test – catch up for missed children

Room 6 to be used as HWB Base for cluster – Johnny McBrier to work from this base. Several children from cluster primaries and two of our own children will work from the base for the next 8 weeks- Odyssey Project to support transition for Pr. 6 pupils every Thursday.  Impact on Rainbow Reading session – children to re-locate and use another base (Rm 11) for this slot.

Mrs Docherty  and Mrs Elliott to attend West Partnership – Assessment and Moderation Workshop 3.45 – 5.00pm

Pr. 4 – Church visit – pm

Frid 29th Mrs Docherty to carry  out absence review meetings 9.15 and 9.45am

Mrs  Elliott/Mrs  Drummond-continue with P7 SNSAs

End of month assembly – This will be a full assembly in the school hall.  It would be good to have children showcase their clubs – so we are looking for dancers, gymnasts, karate, musicians to showcase their talents as we have not seen children perform for a long time.  .


Updates for last week

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is hard to believe that the spring break is nearly upon us but I am sure like the staff at school, your child will be looking forward to a much needed holiday.

Next week we have a number of school events taking place so please take a note of dates for your diary.


Wednesday 30th March – Easter Bonnet Parade and Daffodil Tea for all Pr. 1 – 3 pupils.

                                             Please note this is also a Wear Yellow Day for all pupils in aid of Marie Curie


Thursday 31st March – Crazy Hair Day for our Lenten Charities

                                         Easter Egg Competition for Pr. 4 – 7 pupils.  Children can design their own

                                         eggs at home and bring to school with all props.

                                         Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place

                                         Afternoon Assembly – Pr. 1 – 3 to sing their Spring songs

                                                                                  Egg competition winners announced.

Friday 1st April             Mass – whole school 10.00am

                                       SCHOOL CLOSES 2.30pm


May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of the school in such challenging times.

We look forward to seeing everyone return to school on Tuesday 19th April.

Kind Regards

Mrs C. Docherty

Head Teacher

What’s on this Week?

This  week is Snapshot Jotter week. This means all entries will go into the one jotter this week with the jotter being sent home at the end of the week for you to view with your child.

Please note Friday is a Sports Wear Day in aid of Lenten Charities with all proceeds going to MISSIO and SCIAF.  Children are asked to bring in £1.00 or a donation.



Assembly – Pr. 6- 7 pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall. Stations of the Cross with Father Kane

Mrs Docherty to attend Multi -Agency Meeting 10.30am

– Lunchtime Archery Club – Pr. 7 – Craig McIntyre , Active Sports Co-ordinator

Pr 3 to visit church for practice -pm – First Reconciliation

Mrs Elliott – LIAM Programme

Mrs Docherty to attend HT Meeting, Muirfield Centre, Cumbernauld – 1.00 – 2.30pm.


Tues 22nd


Assembly – Pr.2 and 3  pupils – 9.00 – 9.40am  Mrs. Elliott- hall. Stations of the Cross with Father Kane

NCCT cover – Rm 15, Rm 12 – hall 10- 11. Mrs Docherty

Rm 3, Rm 7 – hall 2 – 3pm. – Mrs Elliott

Mrs Elliott – LIAM Programme – FT – pm

Mrs MacDonald –( St.Ambrose )to visit Rm 10 pm – tbc

Mrs Docherty and Mrs Elliott to attend Trauma Informed training session 1 – 3.30 – 5.30pm


FIRST RECONCILIATION Pr. 3 – Rm 7 and 8 pupils – 7.00pm

Wed.23rd Assembly – Pr. 4- 5 pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall.  Stations of the Cross with Father Kane

NCCT cover – Rm 9, Rm 10.  Mrs Docherty

Rm 1, Rm 2.  Mrs Elliott

1.15 – Sharon McAwley to carry out Building Suitability Inspection

Celtic Foundation – 6 week programme

9-9.45 in P6 Room 15 then to hall at 9.45 am until 10.30am.

10.30 am- 11 am to Room 12 P6/7 in class then to hall after interval until just before 12 noon

1.30pm in hall with P7 Room 9 then to class for 2.15pm until 3pm.

Disability Awareness Training Pr. 7 –  2  3 pm – diary clash – tbc

St.Ambrose S6 Sports Leaders – to deliver hockey to Rm 10  2.00 – 3.00pm (5 week  block)

AFTERSCHOOL CLUBS – led by S6 pupils (netball, football)hall, playground used (Pr. 6 and 7) – 5 weeks – last week


Thurs 24th Assembly Pr. 1 and 2 pupils 9.15 -9.50- Mrs Elliott – hall

Mrs Docherty – CP Co-ordinator training- 9.30 – 1.00pm

Rm 13,14,and 16- Hall 2.10 – 3.00pm – Mrs Docherty

Mrs MacDonald 9St.Ambrose)  to visit Rm 10 – tbc- pm

RNLI Presentation to Rm 15 – pm


Friday Mass – Pr.3 and Pr.2/3   to attend

Pr. 1 – 3  Health Committee – Health Stall – Rm 4

Pr. 4 – 7 Health Committee – Smoothie Sale

Lunchtime Obstacle Challenge


Enhanced Transition visit to St.Ambrose – several Pr. 7 pupils

SEASONS FOR GROWTH – Mrs Elliott – pm


What’s on this week?

This week we celebrate WORLD BOOK DAY with a  Pyjama themed readathon on Thursday. All children can attend/bring along to school their pyjamas and slippers for the fun readathon.  Children can also bring along a blanket, cushion and most importantly their book for the shared reading experience on Thurs. The Book fair will also be in school with all classes getting timetables slots to visit the fair.  Our classes will also view some   Live Author Broadcast by Scottish Book Trust. Authors Tom Percival Pr. 1 – 3 and  Cressida Cowell (How to Train a Dragon) Pr. 4 – 7 will be viewed by classes across the school.  Our Pr. 1 and 7  pupils will also work together for the start of a paired reading project.

Mon.28th Assembly – Pr. 4- 7 pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall.

Professional dialogue meeting – Mr O’Dowd /Mrs Elliott –3.00pm

Mrs Docherty to attend Cluster Chair Meeting 11.00 – 12.30

Mrs Elliott – to deliver low intensity anxiety management training

Tues 1st


Assembly – Pr.2 and 3  pupils – 9.00 – 9.40am  Mrs. Elliott- hall

Class Observation – Rm 15 /Mrs Docherty – 11.15am

Sarah Mackie –Speech and Language school visit

Strathclyde University Tutor Visit – 9.00, 11.15

Mrs Docherty to attend meeting – 2.00pm

Wed.2nd ASH WEDNESDAY – whole school to attend Mass.

St.Ambrose S6 Sports Leaders – to deliver hockey to Rm 10  2.00 – 3.00pm (5 week  block)

AFTERSCHOOL CLUBS – led by S6 pupils Sports Leaders , supervised by Craig McIntyre, Active Sports Co-ordinator (netball, football)hall, playground used (Pr. 6 and 7) – 5 weeks


Thurs 3rd Assembly Pr. 1 and 2 pupils 9.15 -9.50- Mrs Elliott – hall

PYJAMA READATHON – children to dress in pyjamas. Remember to bring your blanket, cushion and most importantly your book!

Class Observation Rm 9 – 9.15 – Mrs Docherty

Oral Health Visit to finalise toothbrushing arrangements – 1.30pm – Pr.1 and 2

Mrs Docherty to attend Enhanced Transition Meetings with St.Ambrose HS staff

Gaelic Football – Pr. 7

Frid 4th Mrs Docherty – Enhanced Transition meeting 9.15am with St.Andrew’s HS



What’s on this week?

This week we welcome back our Pr.7 pupils who enjoyed a fabulous week at Strathclyde Park. Please check out our twitter account that provides an excellent snapshot of the experiences the children enjoyed last week.  They really were a credit to their families and our school Well done Pr. 7!!

Please remember to check out our twitter account as it gives a wonderful insight into the community life of our wonderful school.

This week all classes will have a focus on internet safety and also mental health and wellbeing as these are national focus weeks across the country.

Mon.7th Assembly – Pr. 6and 7  pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall. Place2Be Virtual assembly – mental health

Visit by Mrs Smith (DHT)  and Mr  McParland (HT) (St.Ambrose ) 11.15am to hand in school handbook- Pr. 7 pupils to go the hall.



Tues 8th


Assembly – Pr.2 and 3  pupils – 9.00 – 9.40am  Mrs. Elliott- hall

Mrs. Docherty – meeting with HR staffing 10.40 – 10.55

Oral Health visit – Lynsey Shaw – Nursery , Pr. 1 – toothbrushing

School visit by Educational Psychologist – pm


Wed.9th Assembly Pr. 4 and 5 pupils- 9.05– 9.45 – Mrs Docherty – hall

Mrs Docherty to attend Cluster HWB Meeting 1 – 2pm

St.Ambrose pupils S6 – to visit school for pre-placement visit 2.30 – 3.00pm


Thurs 10th Assembly Pr. 1 and 2 pupils 9.15 -9.50- Mrs Elliott – hall

Mrs Docherty to meet Gordon Reid new Cluster Improvement and Integration Lead– 9.30am

Gaelic Football – Pr. 6

NUMERACY COACH MEETING – 3 – 3.30pm, Mrs Drummond

Input of Pr. 1 Registrations should be entered on Seemis Click and Go by close of business.

Mrs Docherty meeting HT of Tannochside Pr – 3.30pm

CHOIR -Pr5 – 7

Frid 11th  Friday Mass – Pr.7 and 6 (Rm 9,10 and 12) to attend

St.Ambrose pupil to deliver Spanish lesson to Rm 16 – 1.30 – 2.20

Sportshall Athletics completed sheet to be sent to Craig McIntyre, Afterschool Co-ordinator

Deadline for Nursery applications

Pr 7 /S1 Transition paperwork to be submitted