Category Archives: Whole School

What is on this Week?

Tuesday Pr.7 – on retreat – Schoenstatt

School visit by Occupational Therapist

Educational Psychologist – school visit

Garden Afterschool Club

Mrs. Docherty – Tracking Meetings – Rm 1 – 1.20, Rm 2.10pm

NETBALL – Miss Devoy

Wednesday 8.45 – Mrs. Docherty to attend cluster meeting – St.Ambrose

ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – 10.10 Pr. 1 – 3 Mrs. Elliott, Pr.3 – 4, Mrs. Fraser

Mrs. Elliott – on interview panel – 11.30 – St.Bartholomew’s

Mrs. Docherty to attend Review Meeting – Social work – 1.00pm

CAREERS FAIR – 1.00- 4.00pm.  Parents and grandparents invited from 3.00pm.

Probationer Showcase event – 3.45 – 5.45

Miss Ross to attend HWB Champion Meeting – pm

Mrs. Drummond to attend  Numeracy Champion Meeting – pm

Coatbridge Rovers Football Afterschool Club – Pr.4 – 5

Staff Meeting – 3.00pm


PTA MEETING – 7.15pm

Thursday MASS – Feast of the Ascension – 10.00am

Mrs. Docherty to attend HT meeting – St.Patrick’s – 10.00am

Rm 1,2 and 3 – out all day – ALMOND VALLEY

New Intake lunch – 11.45am

Careers Talk to Pr. 7 – Mrs. Wilson Careers Officer


Friday Mrs. Docherty out all day –  ACPHT AGM

Whole school assembly – 11.30am

DVD filming – Pr. 7 pupils

York Trip

The children returned to the school on Wednesday evening – exhausted after an exciting few days sightseeing in York and visiting Flamingoland.  The children were excellent ambassadors for the school throughout their stay and were a real credit to themselves, their families and the school.  It was a delight to spend a few days in their company.

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Police Scotland visited the school today to advise us they have received a complaint about parking outside the school grounds.   They have been monitoring closely and note a number of cars continue to park on the yellow zig zag lines.

We have been asked to issue a notification to our school community that the Police are monitoring this situation closely.  Please ensure you refrain from parking on the yellow lines and make use of the other areas available at the Time Capsule and the Church.

Your assistance would be very much appreciated.


What’s on this Week?

This week some of our Pr.6 and 7 pupils are off to York.  An exciting week lies ahead.  We will do our best to keep you up to date with pictures on twitter and the school blog.  Please remember to check daily.

Please note the school is closed to pupils on Thursday for elections. Holiday weekend – School closed Friday and Monday.

Monday Bus departs for York


Tuesday 1+2 Language Awards Ceremony, Excelsior Stadium, 10 – 11.30. Selected pupils.

Room 15 to visit Luggieburn – pm

Mrs. Redmond – to attend meeting Gartlea Community Centre – 2.00pm

Mrs. Chisholm – Garden Afterschool Club

Cooking Masterclass Afterschool club – Miss Ross

NETBALL- cancelled

Wednesday Pr.6 pupils to visit Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

Pr.1 Assessments

Coatbridge Rovers Football Afterschool Club – Pr.4 – 5


Thursday School closed to pupils – all day

Staff in-service


What’s on this Week?

Monday 9.20 – ASSEMBLY – Pr.5 – 7 – CDocherty,

10.10 Logo express to visit to measure for blazers

11.00 Visit by Speech and Language Therapist – am

Mrs. Kinniburgh – Educational Pyschologist school visit

Mrs. Docherty to attend HT Coaching session – 2.00 – 3.30pm


Tuesday Pr. 7 Induction Day – St.Ambrose

Occupational Health Therapist school visit

Miss Ross – Cooking Masterclass – 4 week afterschool club

Mrs. Chisholm – Garden Afterschool Club

NETBALL – Miss Devoy

Wednesday Pr. 7 Induction Day – St.Ambrose

Junior Cross Country –Pr. 3 and 4 – Coatbridge Outdoor Sports Centre 10 – 12

Coatbridge Rovers Football Afterschool Club – Pr.4 – 5


Thursday 9.30am – Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – meeting

Gaelic Football Tournament – – 2 boys teams, 2 girls teams (10 players + 5 subs) 9.40 – 12.30

1.30pm Mrs. Docherty to attend  meeting

Speech and Language Therapist – school visit

New Entrant Induction Programme – 1.30 – 2.45pm. Mrs.Elliott

Mrs. O’Donohue – RE co-ordinator meeting 3 – 4pm.

Mrs. Docherty to attend Cluster Meeting – 4.00pm – St.Ambrose


Friday Students last day

Malawi Football festival – St.Ambrose – School football team

Committee Meetings

Class Mass – Pr. 5 pupils and parents – 1.30pm