Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20 –10.10 , Pr. 5- 7 Mrs. Fraser

Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group Meeting – St.Pat’s – am

Mrs. Kinniburgh – Educational Psychologist school visit pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend Cluster Meeting – St.Ambrose – 1.30pm

Tuesday Last day for New College Lanarkshire students

Pr. 7 – to go to St.Ambrose – rehearsal of school show


10.15 – Pr. 1 – 3

1.00 –Pr. 4 – 7

Early break – 9.45 – for all pupils

Lunch 12.00 – 12.45

Football Friendship League Finals day – St.Ambrose 3.30pm

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – 9.20 – 10.10, P r. 3- 4 – Mrs. Fraser, 10.45 – 11.25 – Mrs. Elliott

Gaelic Football – second final – St.Ambrose

Mrs.Docherty – Assembly – pm

LIAM Training – Mrs. Elliott


Thursday Mrs.Docherty – meeting with Finance 11.30am

Claire McKeown – SLT – school visit 11.00am

Class Mass – Pr. 6 pupils and parents – 1.30pm in school hall. Tea afterwards

3.30pm – Mrs. Docherty to attend Social work meeting

St.Ambrose – School Show – 7.00pm

Friday Mrs Docherty attending Educational Psychologist feedback meetings – am

Room 7 and 8 – visit by Kevin Nolan – Career’s Officer – to present to pupils on Digital Learning – 10.00am

End of Month Assembly


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Our whole school gathered together on Friday to review our achievements and success for May.   Our monthly Maths, Art and Writing awards were given out – well done to all our award winners!

We took time to celebrate some very successful events and to congratulate many of our children for wider achievement.  It is a delight to share news like this in front of the whole school.

We also invited Kelly along from Marie Curie to receive our cheque for the recent Daffodil Tea.  She was delighted to receive our cheque for £528.44.

Careers Fair

Our Careers Fair last week was a great success, very much enjoyed by all in attendance.  We heard from many local businesses about their line of work, any specific training required to do certain jobs and how sometimes the job you plan to do is not the one you end up doing.  We learned how many skills you can develop in life are transferable.  Thank you for coming to work with us.

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Wider Achievement

We love sharing news about Wider Achievement so are delighted  to share with you the news that this young lady competed for Scotland in a British National Gymnastics Competition at the weekend.

We are so proud to let you know that she did amazingly well as she finished as the top Scottish Gymnast in the event and was 2nd of all the gymnasts competing from across the UK in one of the disciplines.  Absolutely fantastic!  We can’t wait to congratulate her at our assembly tomorrow.

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Wear it Yellow Walk

Our primary 7 children will take part in the 6k Wear it Yellow Walk at Strathclyde Park on 5th June.

This is a great day organised by St Andrews Hospice each year for Primary 7’s where they meet children from all over the authority, usually bumping into friends they have made at their high school transition days.

By taking part we therefore look to support the hospice by way of sponsorship for this event. Our P7s were recently issued with sponsorship forms and are encouraged to return these before the event.  Any sponsor monies can also be handed in before and after the event.

Thank you for supporting the children in this activity.