Category Archives: Whole School

What’s on this Week?

Monday 9.20 – 10.00 ASSEMBLY Pr. 5 – 7 – Mrs. Docherty

10.30 – Mrs.Docherty to meet Dr.Sarah Morrison – CAMHS

11.15 – PRD (Professional Review and Development Meeting) – Mrs. Chisholm/Mrs. Elliott

2.10 – PRD – Mrs. Gillooly/Mrs. Docherty

3.00 – PRD – Mrs. Ewing /Mrs. Docherty

St.Ambrose pupils to join Rms 1 – 4 – pm

Sports Leader Training Pr.7 – lunchtime

SACRAMENTAL MEETINGS – 6.00 (Pr.3), 6.45 (Pr.4), 7.45 (Pr.6 and 7) – Church

Tuesday 10.00 – PRD – Mrs. Murphy/ Mrs. Elliott

11.15 – PRD – Mrs. O’Dowd/Mrs. Elliott

1.20 – PRD – Mrs.Llaza/Mrs. Docherty

2.10 – PRD Mrs. Thomson/MRs. Elliott

3.00 – PRD –  Mrs.Doyle

Tony McMinn to continue with BOX Soccer sessions with classes on the Tues. timetable.

Swimming/Dry sports block– Pr.5 pupils – 9.30 – 10.15/ 10.30 – 11.15.   Please ensure that all pupils have been instructed to wear their PE kits – black shorts, white T-shirts for the dry sports block.



Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 – Mrs. Fraser (9.20 – 10.00), Pr. 1 and 2 Mrs. Elliott (10.45 – 11.25)

11.15 – PRD – Mrs. Watt /Mrs. Docherty

2.10 – PRD – Mrs. Elder /Mrs. Docherty

1.00pm – Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group Lead Meeting – Civic

Thursday JRSO Induction meeting ,Gartlea – Mrs. Thomson to attend with 2 pupils – am

9.00 – PRD – Miss Ross/Mrs. Docherty

10.00 – PRD – Mrs.Hanlon/Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Scott out – am – Census Training

1.30 – Mrs. Docherty /Mrs. Elliott to meet Mrs..Kinniburgh (Educational Psychologist) – review of existing case files, Practice Level Agreement

1.30 – Cycle Training – Robert Adams – Pr. 7 pupils

MEET THE TEACHER – 6.00pm (Hall – sharing SIP), introductions by Father, Parent Council, PTA. Class visits – 6.30, Kilbowie Information Meeting – 7.30pm

Friday Ashleigh Farrell – work experience – Rm 3

Class visit – Monitoring Learning and Teaching –

9.15 – Rm 3 – Mrs. Docherty

9.15 – Rm 4 – Mrs. Elliott

Committee Meetings

3.00 – PRD – Mrs. O’Donohue/Mrs.Docherty

Be Internet Legends Assembly

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P4-7 attended an interactive assembly this morning with some very special guests. We were very lucky to work with Google Be Internet Legends.

During our session we learned about the importance of staying safe online and how to keep our information secure.  We learned what phishing means and also about over sharing, particularly how quickly information is shared online.

We hope the boys and girls shared their knowledge you.

New House Captains

Congratulations to our new House Captains who are now in position and will carry out their duties from now until January.  We wish them great confidence and success as they carry out their role within the school.

Whilst congratulating our House Captains we cannot ignore the pupils who also put themselves forward for election.  It was a delight to witness you putting yourselves forward.  You should be immensely proud of yourselves for showing great bravery, confidence and professionalism.  Whilst you may have been unsuccessful this time we are certain you will try again in January.

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End of Month Assembly

On Friday we held our first end of month assembly of the new school  year hosted by our fantastic new House Captains.  We welcomed our new P1 children and congratulated them on an amazing start to life at St Augustine’s Primary School.  They really are superstars!

We celebrated our wonderful maths stars, artists of the month and writers of the month – well done to everyone who received an award.

We shared upcoming events and agreed as school that in order to achieve our Silver award for being a Rights Respecting School we need to show each other RESPECT.  Our mission ongoing is to try our best to show respect to each other.  We are going to make sure we don’t leave anyone out of games and treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

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What’s on this Week?

Monday 9.20 – 10.00 ASSEMBLY Pr. 5 – 7 – Mrs. Docherty

Samantha Cairns to attend school for 2 days – work experience – various classes

Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group Lead Meeting – CIVIC – 11- 12.30

Mrs. Docherty to meet attend meeting – 2.00pm

STEM event – Cumbernauld Academy – time tbc

Tuesday Samantha Cairns – work experience

Tony McMinn to continue with BOX Soccer sessions with classes on the Tues. timetable – all staff to assist the delivery of the programme.

Swimming/Dry sports block– Pr.5 pupils – 9.30 – 10.15/ 10.30 – 11.15.   Please ensure that all pupils have been instructed to wear their PE kits – black shorts, white T-shirts for the dry sports block.

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 3 and 4 – Mrs. Fraser (9.20 – 10.00), Pr. 1 and 2 Mrs. Elliott (10.45 – 11.25)

Mrs. Docherty – to attend cluster meeting – St.Ambrose – 9.45am

Mrs. Elliott – LIAM (Low Intensity Anxiety Management) training

Thursday Be Internet Legends Assembly – Pr. 4 – 7 only. This is a  Google event. 9.20am


Friday Ashleigh Farrell – work experience – Rm 3

Mrs. Docherty to attend social work meeting – 1.30pm


Sports Leader Recruitment

Vikki Atkinson our Active Sports Co-Ordinator came to visit both P7   classes on Friday to tell them all about how to become a Junior Sports Leader.   Vikki was delighted at the number of pupils who expressed an interest in the training.

Training will commence shortly and we will update you on activities on offer when we have further information.  Once trained our Junior Sports Leaders will run activities at lunchtime for our younger pupils.

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