Category Archives: Whole School

Credit Union Recruitment

Huge thanks to those pupils who save regularly with our Credit Union.  Your support is fantastic and we love seeing you each week as you save up for those important things you desire.

We have over 50 savers currently but would love to have more.  If you are interested in saving with us please let us know and we can give you a form to join.  Remember a small amount over time makes all the difference.

P7 will visit classes to remind pupils that they can join anytime and to answer any queries anyone has.


School Disco

Our school disco takes place this evening.  Pr. 1- 3 disco takes place from 6.00pm – 7.15pm.  Please remember that all Pr. 1 – 3 pupils are picked up from the infant department.  Pr. 4 – 7 disco takes place from 7.30 – 8.45pm.  Children to be picked up from the hall thereafter.  Please note children are not allowed to leave the hall without an adult picking them up in the interests of health and safety.

First Friday Mass

The school community gathered today for First Friday Mass with Father Kane and Deacon David.  Thank you to our family and friends who joined us this morning.

Well done to those pupils who participated in the mass by reading, serving, offertory and bidding prayers.

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End of Month Assembly

The whole school gathered after Mass this morning for our end of month assembly where we summarise all of our achievements, visitors and successes.  Our assembly was a busy one with lots of information shared so we hope the boys and girls have shared with you some of the things said.

This mornings assembly was a great way to introduce most of our new House Captains who are in office from now until June.  All pupils responded well to their new role and spoke with confidence in front of the whole school so we are very proud of them all.

Well done to those pupils who received awards today from their teacher for Maths, Writer or Artist of the Month. Keep up the great work everyone.

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