Category Archives: Whole School

Video for First Communicants

Yesterday would have been the First Communion Day for the children of Room 11 and 12.  As a staff team we have always celebrated with the Parish community this wondrous day in the lives of our Pr. 4 pupils and our thoughts and prayers were with them yesterday. We miss the children greatly and hope and pray that the time will come soon when we will see each other in school and can then plan their First Communion Day.

Father Kane has keenly felt for our pupils and made a video message that also featured Deacon David and the Pr.4 staff team.  Father has shared this on his social media platforms.  We have also shared links our Facebook and Twitter so please check it out and share it with your child.  We miss our children and are looking forward to the day when we can welcome them all back to school.

Please clip on the link below.

First Communion Video



Week beg. 18th May

Another week of remote learning lies ahead for us all and we are delighted that so many of our children are engaging with glow and completing the tasks set by their teachers.  It is not easy keeping momentum going at home but we are astounded on a weekly basis by the commitment shown by our children to their studies.  The support of yourselves as parents has never been more crucial to provide encouragement and guidance to your children in these unprecedented times. There is no doubt your children are developing and displaying great skills as successful learners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident individuals.  We sincerely thank you for your support since the 23rd of March and kindly ask that you continue to work in partnership with ourselves and encourage your child(ren) to enage in their studies at home and to keep them on track in their learning.  As we have said many times before we don’t doubt the challenges that this involves at home as you juggle your own work, younger family members and not to forget the constant round of cleaning, shopping and meal preparation. Please review what tasks have been set by your child’s teacher and make a timetable that suits your family and do what is achievable.  We don’t want any family to feel pressured or overwhelmed.  Please take care, stay safe and connected.

God Bless

Mrs C.Docherty

Scotland Learns -Parent and Carers Newsletter

Below is a link to the first issue of the Scotland Learns Parent and Carers Newsletter.  You will need to sign up directly to receive a copy to your mailbox.  You will find learning activities for Literacy and Numeracy, support for wellbeing and a focus on the theme of  food.  You will also find  hints and tips, advice for engaging young people with autism in their learning and a creativity challenge.

Parent and Carers Newsletter,6UY0V,WKQY7A,RK3PU,1


Attention First Communicants!

We are all disappointed that the celebration of First Holy Communion was postponed due to COVID-19. So to brighten up our spirits we are looking to put together a short video featuring our First Communicants. Here is how you can get involved:
STEP 1: Watch the short video below and try to learn the actions whilst singing the lyrics on screen.
STEP 2: When you are confident enough record yourself singing and dancing to the song. Please make sure you record your video in landscape (long ways) and please make sure you wear earphones so the recording only picks up the sound of YOUR singing voice and not the Youtube version.
STEP 3: Send in your short video to: or if the file is too big simply email us for details on how to send it via Whatsapp or another file sharing platform.
STEP 4: The parish will edit and publish the video featuring lots of our children singing and groovin!

We might even try to get some of your teachers involved!!!

Have fun!
God bless, Fr. Kane

Week beg. 11th May

Monday is an in-service day for staff so please don’t expect your child to work from home as they would have had the day off school under normal circumstances.  I am sure that will be welcome news  for everyone.  As stated in previous posts we don’t under estimate the challenges taking place in family homes as you  try to attend to online learning, home schooling, working from home and attending to a busy household.  It really is multi-tasking on a grand scale.   Please  aim to work with your child and formulate a timetable for the week ahead that is both manageable and achievable. Children do love and need a routine even in these strange times.  Please be assured that we fully appreciate the challenges this has presented over the past weeks.  We all live in households with family members working from home alongside children looking for your constant attention and the need to be fed!!

Please be aware that teachers may have uploaded work for the week ahead or may wait until Tuesday to post.

Please encourage your child to leave a comment – even if only to say hi so we know they have been online.

Please remember we are missing everyone and are looking forward – as you must be – to the time when we can all return to school.


Signposting for Parents

Below is a link for parents and young people who may be vulnerable during this time of school closures and social isolation and would benefit from signposting to the appropriate service. There are links to a wide variety of supports including the Financial Inclusion Team who provide financial supports and advice.  Please note you can e-mail me directly for support and advice.

ES Signposting to supports and advice – April version(4)