Category Archives: Whole School

Nursery Menu

Hot Option  

Beef burger in a bun with seasoned potato wedges and a choice of vegetable sticks

Macaroni cheese served with garlic bread finger and a choice of vegetables or salad (v) Chicken curry
and rice served with a naan bread finger and a choice of vegetables.
Pork sausages with gravy, mashed potato, peas and carrots Fish fingers* with diced potato and vegetables
Veggie alternative



Quorn burger and
seasoned potato wedges with a choice of vegetable sticks (v)


Not required  

Vegetable Curry and rice served with a naan bread finger and two choices of vegetables. (v)


Quorn sausages with gravy, mashed potato, peas and carrots (v)

Quorn Nuggets with diced potato and a choice of salad or vegetables (v)
Soup, sweet
treat, fruit or

Fruit or Yoghurt


Home Baking



Fruit or Yoghurt  

Home Baking



Fruit or Yoghurt



All options come with the choice of water or milk. There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables on offer, with two portions served with each meal.

Week Commencing – 9th Nov, 30th Nov, 21st Dec, 4th Jan, 25th Jan, 15th Feb, 8th Mar, 29th Mar

Primary Lunch Menu

Today’s hot option RED BAND Beef burger in a bun with potato wedges and choice of  vegetable sticks, salad and coleslaw Macaroni cheese served with garlic bread and a choice  of two vegetables or salad (v) Chicken curry  and rice served with  a naan bread finger and two choices of vegetables Pork sausage with gravy,  mashed potato,  peas and carrots Fish and chips with a choice of vegetables and salad
Vegetarian alternative GREEN BAND Quorn burger in a bun with potato wedges and choice of  vegetable sticks, salad and coleslaw (v) Not required Vegetable curry  and rice served  with a naan bread finger and two choices of vegetables (v) Quorn sausage with gravy,  mashed potato,  peas and carrots (v) Quorn nuggets and chips with  a choice of salad and vegetables (v)
Baked potato with filling YELLOW BAND Cheese (v) or tuna Baked bean or cheese (v) Tuna or cheese (v) Baked beans or tuna Cheese (v) or tuna
Snack 2 go  BLUE BAND Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of ham,  tuna or cheese (v) Choice of cheese (v) chicken or tuna Choice of ham,  tuna or cheese (v) Choice of chicken, tuna or cheese (v)
Soup, sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Lentil soup, (v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly Vegetable soup,(v) homebaking or fruit Lentil soup, (v) fruit or yoghurt or homebaking Vegetable soup,(v) homebaking or fruit Lentil soup, (v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly

What’s on this Week?

Mon. 9th Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Mrs. Docherty /Mrs. Elliott – meeting A McBride – AFA – 10.30 – to discuss school finances

Mrs. Elliott- class observation – Rm 2 – 11.00am

Mrs. Docherty – meeting Mr McParland (HT St.Ambrose) – 3.00pm

Tues. 10th


Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Johnny McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

Senior Management Team Meeting – 3.00pm

Wed. 11th



Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Johnny McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Mrs. Elliott – class observation – Rm 9 –  9.20, Rm 10 –  11.00am

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme – pm

Mrs. Docherty – class observation – Rm 14 – 1.30pm

Mrs. Elliott – class observation – Rm 15 – 1.30pm


Thurs. 12th



MMElliott– to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Docherty – class observation – Rm 13 – 9.20am, Rm 11.15am

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am-

Frid. 13th Mrs. Kinniburgh – Educational Psychologist – school visit

Mrs. Docherty – class observation – Rm 7 – 9.20am, Rm 8 – 11.15am

First Communions

Congratulations to the children who received their First Holy Communion this weekend.  They have waited a long time to receive the Eucharist for the first time.  Next week we will have another three services for the remaining pupils in Pr. 5. Our good wishes go to all the children and their families.

Nursery News

Our new nursery is now fully operational and bursting with life.  A huge thank you to the nursery team led by Mrs. Vicki Dunn.  The Nursery Team have done an outstanding job in getting everything ready for our pupils and in welcoming some new starts last week.  Children are now getting use to a new learning environment including daily visits to the gym hall for a cooked lunch each day.   Exciting stuff.  It has been wonderful to sit at work and hear the activity of the children playing outdoors as they make great use of their outdoor play area.  I am sure the nursery team have lots of exciting ideas about how they want to develop the play area in the months ahead.

Breakfast Club

Please note the breakfast club is only for children who are attending for a breakfast.  It is not a drop off for children who are arriving early for school .  We need to ensure appropriate levels of supervision and also ensure that children from different year groups are not mixing indoors.  Thank you for your understanding and support in this regard.

Lunch Menu

hot option


Pizza and
tomato pasta (v)
Pork hot dog
with seasoned
diced potatoes
Fish Fingers
baby boiled
(mayo dip)
Mince pie
and mashed
Fish and chips


Not required Quorn hot dog
with seasoned
diced potatoes
Baked potato
and baked beans
Cheese and
onion pastie
and mashed
potatoes (v)
Quorn nuggets
and chips (v)
Baked potato with


Cheese (v)
or tuna
Baked bean
or cheese (v)
or cheese( v)
Baked beans
or tuna
Cheese (v)
or tuna
Snack 2 go


Choice of chicken,
tuna or cheese (v)
Choice of chicken,
cheese (v) or tuna
Choice of ham,
tuna or cheese (v)
Choice of ham,
cheese (v) or tuna
Choice of chicken,
tuna or cheese (v)
Soup, sweet
treat, fruit or
Lentil soup,(v)
fruit,yoghurt or
Vegetable soup (v)
or fruit
Chicken and rice
soup, fruit or
yoghurt or
Vegetable soup(v)
or fruit
Lentil soup,(v)
fruit,yoghurt or

All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price.  There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables, salad or vegetables sticks on offer, with two portions served with each meal.

What’s on this week?

We hope the children enjoyed their Halloween celebrations last week. Many thanks to the PTA for providing juice, crisps and sweets to add to the festivities. Children remained in their allocated seats throughout the day and continued to follow school protocols to make sure that there remained a continued focus on mitigating risk.  A huge well done to the House Captains and Vice Captains who did an amazing job presenting our second whole school virtual assembly.  I am sure we are seeing the next crop of television presenters!

Please note that all parents who are dropping off and collecting children at the end of the school day should ensure 2 metre distance and should be wearing a face mask at gates and around the school.

Mon. 2nd Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Staff Meeting – 3.10pm

Mrs.Docherty – meeting 4.15pm

Tues. 3rd Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Mr. McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

Wed. 4th



Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Mr.  McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit- based in MFraser’s office

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme

Sumdog training session –– 3.30 – 4.30pm – Mrs. O’Donohue

Number Processes training – 3.30 – 5.00pm  Mrs. Drummond

Thurs. 5th



Mrs. Elliott– to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am-

Mrs.Docherty meeting with Mr. McParland (HT St.Ambrose ) 3.00pm

Frid. 6th Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 –  pm