Category Archives: Whole School

Hopscotch Theatre Company

This week has been an action packed week at school with lots going on for everyone. Monday got off to a flying start with a visit from Hopscotch Theatre Company with their production of ‘What a Load of Rubbish?’ This was a highly entertaining and informative show that was perfectly pitched for everyone. Here are a few pictures of the morning’s entertainment.

Summer Fete

The school will be a hive of activity today as we begin preparations for our Summer Fete. Our wonderful P.T.A. members have been hard at work planning and organising a wonderful array of activities, stalls and visitors to entertain all our visitors. We are keeping a keen eye on the weather forecast in anticipation of a good day!!
Here is just a sample of what will be on offer on Saturday so please come along.
Traditional Music Groups – Comhaltas and Grupai Ceoil (stage in school hall)
Teddy Stall
Nail Bar and Tattoo Parlour
Bouncy Castle
Martial Arts Demonstrations
Police, Fire Brigade
Toy Stall and balloons
Homebaking and Tuck Shop
Please come along and support the great work of the P.T.A. and enjoy our family day.

Health Week Update

Our Health week is proving to be a resounding success with a wealth of visitors who have given the children much to talk about when they go home. Yesterday we had a visit from Frankie and Benny’s who worked with all classes across the school. We also had visits from Childline who delivered talks to Pr.6 and 7 pupils to alert them to the dangers of the internet and cyberbullying. Today our Pr.6 and 7 pupils received talks on alcohol awareness and Pr.1 – 3 received talks on dental hygiene. All stages enjoyed a challenging obstacle course that was set up in the hall on Monday and Thursday afternoon.
Tomorrow we look forward to welcoming Albion Rovers to work with our Pr.4 – 6 pupils. Coatbridge Action for Safe Play will work with Pr.1 -3 and our Pr.7 pupils will be in the hall for Bubble Football!!!
One of our parents, Mrs.Cassidy, carried on the good work of NL Development Officer, Dorothy Anne and worked with our Pr.2 pupils to cook their own Chicken Nugget Happy Healthy Meals. Once again, not a bit was left for Mrs.Docherty!
We look forward to posting a picture gallery to update you on all that has happened.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank parents who have given their time and came along to assist throughout the week. Your support has been greatly appreciated all week.

Travel Plan Update

The school hosted a meeting with local councillor Kevin Docherty, local police, Travel Plan Officer Jacqui McDove, school staff and pupils (Junior Road Safety Officers) on Wednesday. The aim of the meeting was to address ongoing concerns around parking around school grounds. As you are all no doubt aware there was a recent road accident outside the school gates involving a young child. This was deeply distressing for all involved. Fortunately, the child in question was unharmed but this recent accident highlighted the need to implement further measures to ensure the safety of all children as they exit school premises and when they arrive for the school day. Proposals have been made and we now wait patiently to see the outcome of our plans. Our Parent Council have also agreed to support these plans.

School Committees

Our school committees gathered together for their second committee meeting on Friday. They are now well down the way of establishing the aim of their work, formulating action plans and identifying pupils who will have specific roles in order to drive forward improvements and impact at school level and beyond. We look forward to the first updates at our whole school assemblies.

Prayer service

Many thanks to all parents and grandparents who came along to celebrate with us at the service for Our Lady during the final week of May. Our Pr.1,2 and 3 pupils did a fine job in leading the prayer service and celebrating not only Mary, Mother of God but all mothers and grandmothers. This was the first time parents had been invited to the service and they very kindly thanked staff for the lovely invitation. It was lovely to see so many our our parents taking the time to come along and pray with us as a school community. We aim to continue involving our wider school community in joining us as often as possible as a community of faith and learning.

Induction for New Entrants

The school was delighted to welcome our new entrants over the last two Thursdays – all 59 pupils. Mrs.Chishom and Miss Ross reported that all children were excellent and happily went to class and joined in the variety of activities that had been set up that afternoon. After their induction programme all new entrants reported that they were looking forward to starting school in August. Parents attended their own induction programme to discuss how school and home could work together to ensure a smooth transition. Parents were also treated to first hand reports about the work of a Pr.1 class from of our present Pr.1 pupils who came along to talk about their learning and my goodness could they talk!! They were fine examples of confident individuals.