Category Archives: Whole School

Ministerial Visit

The school community were delighted to welcome Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP to the school this afternoon. She was welcomed at the school entrance by our newly elected House Captains who did a wonderful job of introducing themselves and informing her of their very important positions. On her arrival she met Mrs.Docherty and several other members of the local authority including Chief Executive for Learning and Leisure, Andrew Sutherland. Her planned brief chat extended to thirty minutes with a focus on the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish Attainment Challenge. The school feels very honoured to be involved in such discussions and for the opportunity to contribute to national debate. The Minister visited the Pr.1 pupils in Room 2 and got the opportunity to chat to the children about their learning. The children were a delight and made the Minister smile throughout her visit to the class. Plenty of successful learners and very confident individuals!!

The Week Ahead

This week will be a very important week for the school community as we host a visit by Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP. This is a great honour for the school and a wonderful privilege. Our esteemed guest will join us on Monday and will be introduced to NLC Chief Executive of Learning and Leisure, Andrew Sutherland and Curriculum Improvement Officers, Gillian Hanlon and Jim Beers. Our newly appointed Depute Head Teacher, Mrs. Margaret Maria Elliott will also join the welcoming party who will be involved in discussions around the National Improvement Framework. Our children know this very important visit will be taking place on Monday with a possibility that they may be filmed or photographed during the visit. Please ensure all forms are returned in order that permission is granted or not for such photography of your child.

This week several members of the staff will be out of school for staff training, this will involve training in regard of literacy and the Pope Francis Faith Award of which we will be a part of this year.

On Thursday our Pr.1 pupils will be photographed by the Advertiser. it goes without saying that all children will be in full uniform. Our uniform policy has been fully supported and our pupils look resplendent everyday. A great big thank you for your support in this regard. This gives a strong message in terms of how we present ourselves in the local community and the pride that we have in being part of St.Augustine’s community of faith and learning. Your children are a real credit to you all!!

On Friday we hope the weather looks kindly upon us for our sponsored walk along the leafy lanes of our locality. This is the school’s main fundraising event to raise money for school funds that will benefit all children throughout the school year. As a school community we thank you in anticipation of your generosity and support. Parents who would like to walk with us on Friday please contact the school. This will be an own clothes day and children have been reminded to dress appropriately for the walk and to prepare for inclement weather. Our fingers are crossed that we have a dry day and perhaps even some sun!!
Our Pr.7 pupils are due to leave on the 21st September for their visit to Kilbowie. Please ensure all payments are made in advance of next week. Thank you.

Afterschool Clubs

This term we have a number of afterschool clubs running – football, cross country, netball, badminton and dance. We hope to add to this throughout the term for other stages. Any parents who would like to assist with the delivery of our clubs or would like to run a club for pupils please contact the school.

Rights of the Child

The whole school were entertained by visiting theatre company Hopscotch Theatre and enjoyed a presentation about The Rights of the Child. The play used the UN Conventions on the Right of the Child as it’s starting point and taught the children about rights and the plight of children across the world who are denied fundamental rights. The play will provide the children with plenty to think about when they begin working together in their Make a Difference Groups this session. Every group has the aim of making a difference and impacting at school, local and national level.

Building Work

School premises were a hive of activity throuhgout the summer as major work took place on the school roof and necessary repairs took place inside the school building. The whole building was painted and decorated and gave the school a much needed facelift. We look forward to inviting all parents to our Open Afternoon on Thurs.10th Sept. to tour around the school and classes and to meet the staff team. Many thanks to Mrs.Chisholm who worked tirelessly throughout the summer to tend our wonderful school garden. We are all looking forward to a plentiful harvest thanks to her work and the work of classes throughout last session.
Mr.Redmond, our janitor, Mrs.Cunningham and Mrs. Innes (cleaning staff) were outstanding in preparing the school for the beginning of the school term. Their dedication and commitment to getting the job done was tremendous and really gives us a school to be proud of.
I am always reminding children on a regular basis that it is our school and everyone’s responsibility to make sure the school looks good at all times for the benefit of everyone. The recent facelift has made a huge difference and as a school community we aim to ensure our school learning environment is a building to be proud of.

Welcome Back

Welcome everyone to the start of a new school year. My apologies for not posting over the last two weeks but I had locked myself out and couldn’t get back into our server. Fortunately, all is fixed and we are rearing to go.
As I have noted in our newsletter, our Pr.1 new entrants have had a fantastic start to their school career and are feeling very comfortable in their new surrounding. They are already making good progress in their learning and making plently of friends. A huge big thanks to all parents who are now dropping their children off and allowing them to make their own way to the lines in the morning. It is amazing to see how quickly children adapt to a new routine.
We have only been at school for two weeks and I am delighted to report that everyone has settle in quickly to their new classroom environments. We are delighted to welcome several new staff members to our team here at school, Mrs.Elliott (Depute Head Teacher), Miss Bell (Pr.1/2), Mrs.Elder (Pr.2/3),Miss Burns (Pr.3) and Miss Lester (Pr.4/5). We are also delighted to welcome back Miss Gillooly from maternity leave. We are delighted to have them all here at school and are confident they will help us on our Journey to Excellence.

End of Term

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all pupils, parents and staff for welcoming me so warmly to the community of St.Augustine’s. I have had a wonderful term and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know everyone. St.Augustine’s is a wonderful school and it will be a great privilege and honour to be the head teacher as we begin a new school year in August.
This week we had a leavers Mass for our Pr.7 pupils who said a sad farewell to the school after seven years. We wish them every success for the next phase of their school career when they join St.Ambrose.
On our last day of term we said a sad farewell to several staff members who will not return at the beginning of our school term. We wish Mrs.McManus a long, happy and healthy retirement. We wish Miss Cameron, Miss McAlinden and Mrs.O’Neil every success in their new schools.
Next term we are delighted to welcome back Mrs.Gillooly back from maternity leave. We also have several new staff members who will join the staff team in August. Miss Lisa Bell and Mrs.Theresa Elder will join us as new permanent members of staff. We also look forward to welcoming Miss Rachel Burns and Miss Hannah Lester to the school team.
The school staff hope you enjoy your summer holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in August for the start of a very busy school year!!

St.Augustine’s Talent Show

The whole school enjoyed a morning of phenomenal talent being showcased at our Talent Show. Our poor judges were under such pressure to appoint winners that they awarded joint 1st and 2nd places. However, every single entry was a star in the making and really showed how many amazingly talented children we have here at St.Augustine’s. They were all winners and I for one can’t wait until we do it all again next year!! Here are a few pictures of our amazing artists entertaining the whole school. If you were passing Henderson Street you may well have heard all the singing and clapping.

Sunflower Tea

Our first Sunflower Tea was a great success with a fabulous turnout from parents. Today we raised the fantastic sum of over £320. This was a wonderful sum of money and we warmly thank the generosity of our parents and grandparents who joined us this morning. Our guests were entertained with a medley of music from our talented young musicians while they had their tea. We are delighted that we have so many pianists and violinists. It was also wonderful to be joined by some of our children who attend the Saturday Traditional Music Group who entertained by playing the penny whistle and the banjo!! Later on in the morning our lovely and enthusiastic Pr.1 – 3 pupils joined us to sing songs and recite some poetry. As a school we had raised money from our Daffodil Tea and Easter Bonnet Parade and this money joined the sum raised today. We were able to give Andy Flynn from St.Andrew’s Hospice a cheque that came to the grand total of £1,000. Andy informed us that the school has raised the staggering sum of over £15,000 for St.Andrew’s Hospice. Quite an achievement. Let’s hope we can continue the great tradition of supporting the Hospice.

Summer Fete

Our summer fete was a great success and as promised here are the photographs to give you a flavour of this annual event in the school calendar. Our P.T.A. have reported that over £1,200 was raised on the day. This was a fantastic sum of money and we thank everyone for their great support. Our great thanks is also extended to all P.T.A. members who worked so hard to get everything organised for the event and for their great work on the day. A special thanks is extended to Mrs.Robb, P.T.A. Chairperson, who has now retired from her post as Chairperson. She has made a marvellous contribution to the school over the last 6 years and the P.T.A. and school are sad to see her step down from her post. Her dedication and commitment to the school are wonderful and we sincerely hope she remains an active member of Our P.T.A. Our young musicians performed on the day and entertained everyone with their musical talents. They were a treat to listen to and watch.