Category Archives: Whole School

Dancing to start off our Health Week

Our Health Week got off to a wonderful start thanks to the efforts of Dance Instructor Audrey Clark. She put the children through their paces and had everyone on their feet as they produced their dance moves. The feedback from the children was great and demonstrated that we have some really talented dancers in our midst!! Here a few photographs from this mornings street dance class.

Silver for Syria

Our Silver for Syria campaign led by our Parent Council has raised a considerable amount of money. So far we have managed to fill one heart and are now looking for more donations to fill the larger heart. Please send in your loose change to help us complete the challenge for Syria. iPhone Image 37302B

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The Week Ahead

This week will be a very busy and extremely active week as we have a strong focus on Health and Wellbeing. Our Health week will see a variety of visitors come to the school to encourage our children to be more active and to pursue a healthy lifestyle. On Monday dance coach Audrey Clark will visit the school to work with Pr.1 – 3 on a wide variety of dance moves to get everyone on their feet. I am hopeful that Audrey will be able to work with our Pr.4 – 7 pupils at a later date. Tuesday will see staff from Frankie and Benny’s come to the school to work with children from Pr4 – 7 on creating healthy menus and also to get involved with some aerobics exercises. Our Active Sports co-ordinator Vikki Sadler will visit the school on Tuesday to take our Pr.1 – 3 pupils on a variety of outdoor activities. Children will also follow their P.E. programme that promotes active engagement in a wide variety of activities. On Wednesday the school will welcome Dogs Trust who will deliver presentations throughout the school. As this is National Walk to School Week we are hopeful that more of our children will make the effort to walk to school everyday. Please support our Health Week by reminding pupils to bring their P.E. kit to school and to eat healthy snacks this week. Our fingers are crossed that the weather will remain favourable and permit us to make full use of the school grounds throughout the week.

Saying Goodbye

The school community joined the wider parish community in paying our respect to Canon Foley. Children turned out in force on Friday evening and also on Saturday morning to attend both services. St.Augustine’s pupils were resplendent in full school uniform to attend the services and represented the school beautifully. Canon Foley served the school and parish community for over 30 years and will be sorely missed by all. As a community of faith we will continue to keep Canon Foley in our prayers.

A Budding Star

We are delighted to announce that one of our pupils has been chosen to appear alongside David Hasselhoff and The Krankies in the panto ‘Peter Pan’ at Glasgow’s Clyde Auditorium. Our star pupil had to audition for the part of John Darling and secured the part due to his wonderful acting skills. He will appear on stage from 12th December until the 3rd of January. We are very proud of our Pr.6 superstar!!!Adam Corns

Blog Counter

Our school blog is currently going under a review so that all information in regard of the school is located on this page. If you have been a regular follower of the blog that endeavours to update and fully reflect the community life of the school whilst celebrating pupil, class and school achievements you will see we have added a counter to the page. This will inform us of the number of hits we receive to the blog and indicate how well we are followed by the school community. Please remember to log on and feel free to leave a comment. We love to receive your feedback and to see how well you support the work of the school. The counter was added only yesterday and in one day we are delighted to see that we have received over 100 hits.

Football League

Some of our Pr.7 pupils took part in a football match yesterday at St.Ambrose High School as part of the newly formed Coatbridge Friendship League. They were highly commended for their skill and sportsman like behaviour. Well done team! We are delighted to report they won their first match and we look forward to many more victories in the good name of St.Augustine’s Primary School. As soon as we have a team photograph we will post it on the blog.

Canon Foley

It was with great sadness that the school received the news last week of the passing of our beloved Canon Foley. As a community of faith we mourn his passing and will pray for the repose of his soul. Details of the funeral arrangements can be found on the parish website.dsc_0258

Our Sponsored Walk

Today we had wonderful weather for our school sponsored walk along the leafy lanes and high spots of our local area. Rooms 1-8 set off this morning with great excitement and sang merrily as they walked through the basin and towards West End Park. Rooms 9-16 set off in the afternoon sunshine. Here are our pictures of the day.image
















Ministerial Visit

Here are a few pictures of Monday afternoon’s visit by Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP. She visited the wonderful children of Pr.1, Room 2, and their teacher Miss Ross who was delighted to welcome a large group of visitors to her classroom. The children were wonderful hosts and were keen to share their learning with everyone. Well done to the boys and girls of Room 2, you did St.Augustine’s proud!!