Category Archives: Whole School

Breaking News

Today all children went home with a very important letter in their school bags.  We hope they remembered to give them to you.  The letters inform our school community that week beginning  February 15th  the school will host some very special and also very important visitors.  Her Majesty’s Inspectorate will visit the school to find out about the learning and teaching.   They aim to speak to all staff, pupils and also parents in regard  the school and the learning environment created for all. We are confident that our children will be eager to impress our visitors and to speak about their learning.  Parents who received a questionnaire are kindly requested to return the completed questionnaire to Education Scotland by 3rd February.

Euro Quiz

A huge congratulations to the Euro Quiz team who took part and scored so highly at todays quiz.  They did a wonderful job of representing the school.  This was the first time the school had entered the competition and did wonderfully well.   Mrs. Elliott was so proud of them and stated they should also DSC_6453St Augustinesfeel really proud of themselves .

The Week Ahead


Our week ahead is as busy as ever with children enjoying the challenge of new Interdisciplinary Projects.  Children have reviewed what they already know, what they would like to find out and how they intend to do this and share their learning.  Please look for the ‘What’s Happening in my Child’s Class?’  information sheet which will be issued this week.

Mrs.Docherty has quite a few important visitors to the school this week who will be reviewing the school budget, reviewing current attainment data and reviewing the schools progress to date.  These visitors will provide some assistance in regard of the schools ongoing improvement agenda.

This week we continue with our review of teaching and learning with Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott visiting classes and also reviewing pupil work.  We aim to discuss with children their learning and what they regard as their next steps in order to maintain progress and achievement.

Monday – Class Learning Visits

Rabbie Burns event – Rooms 13,14,15, and 16,  Parents  and grandparents of these pupils have been invited to our first Burns Supper taking place at 1.30pm.

Football -Pr.6 – 7

Tuesday – Class Learning Visits

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club – Pr.3

Cross Country Afterschool Club – Pr.5 – 7

Wednesday – Euro Quiz team to attend competition

Wednesday Assemblies -Pr 1 – 4, Pr. 4 – 7

Netball Afterschool Club – Pr. 5 – 7

Education Mass – 7.30pm, Cathedral, Motherwell

Thursday – Class Learning Visits

Dance Afterschool Club – Pr. 5 – 7

Badminton Afterschool Club – Pr. 5 – 7


Committe Meetings

Football Afterschool Club – P.r 4 – 5


Pupil of the Week Awards

Congratulations to our Pupil of the Week Award winners, to our Marvellous Manners and also our Good Citizen Award winners. They are really presenting themselves as excellent ambassadors of the school.  This week our assembly featured a talk about how we can put our faith into action.  Our Good Citizen Award winners demonstrate that in how they think of others everyday. Well done boys and girls!


Good Luck

The school has quite a few children setting off tomorrow to represent the school at two sporting events.  We have a large group of Pr.6 and 7 pupils attending the Sportshall Athletics at Ravenscraig and a large group of talented gymnasts heading off to Airdrie Academy to compete at the NL Championships.  It is all very exciting.  We wish all our athletes and gymnasts every success tomorrow. They are already winners in our eyes!!


The Week Ahead

Our assembly on Friday highlighted an action packed week for the school.  This week Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott will begin class visits to speak to children and observe pupil progress in Maths.  They will also be looking at jotters and will review how well children are transferring their skills in literacy to their independent writing.  Pupil jotters will be going home soon along with an interim reports to inform you of your child’s progress to date.

Monday – Fixture 1 of the Netball League (Pr.6 and 7 netball team)                        football afterschool club for Pr. 6 and 7

Tuesday- class learning visits to commence

Cross Country Afterschool Club

Wednesday – class learning visits

Junior Sports Leader Training to commence  (Pr.7)

Football Friendship League – 3.30 , St.Ambrose (Pr.7

football team)

Netball Afterschool Club

Thursday – Class Learning Visits

Mrs.Docherty out of school to attend Head of

Establishment Meeting at Motherwell Civic

Dance Afterschool Club to commence  (Pr.5 – 7)

Badminton Afterschool Club (Pr.5 – 7)

Friday – Sportshall Athletics Final at Ravenscraig (Pr.6/7 team)

NLC Gymnastics Competition at Airdrie Academy (Pr.4 – 7

Gymnastic teams)


Friday Assembly

On Friday our House Captains and Vice Captains did a wonderful job presenting their last assembly as Captains. They have been tremendous ambassadors of the school and have inspired many of our Pr. 7 pupils to put themselves forward as House Captains for this term.  Friday’s assembly was action packed with lots of school news shared and pupil achievements and school ambassadors being celebrated. This week we have a lot of children attending sporting events across the authority and we wished them all good luck! At our assembly children also learned some interesting facts about Rabbie Burns and tested their knowledge with a quiz at the end.

School Newsletter

An electronic copy of the January – February Newsletter is available on the drop down menu under school information. Please note that the issued copy to all pupils did not indicate what month the children were going to the Science Centre.  This outing for all pupils will take place in March.  Apologies for any confusion.