Category Archives: Whole School

Valentine’s Disco

Our Valentine’s Disco takes place on Thursday evening courtesy of our wonderful PTA.

Pr. 1 – 4  – 6.00 – 7.15 pm

Pr.5 – 7 – 7.30 – 9.00 pm

Please note there have been changes made to some tickets that have been sold in error.  The times are the same as all advertising by the PTA.  Apologies for an confusion this may have caused.


Kitchen Update

The school is delighted to announce that it has two fully upgraded and refitted new kitchens. The main school kitchen has a new servery which has provided a much improved serving area for everyone. This has impacted upon efficiency and enabled pupils to make their healthy food choices.  Our cooking kitchen is now fully operational and has been used by staff during a recent staff training event and also by our Primary 1 pupils.  Today they made the most delicious bruschetta!! Lots happening at school that impacts on our school as a community of faith and learning!

Committee News


The P1-3 Eco Committee had their first meeting of the new year on Friday. Cara, the Chairperson, took us through our agenda.
She firstly reminded us of our 2 new targets Biodiversity and Water. All other targets are on-going ( litter, Health, Waste Energy and School Grounds).
Here are some up and coming events and activities for our new targets.
Water –
Classroom lessons will take place to help children understand the importance of water in our daily lives.
Science Centre visits have been organised for the theme of water.
Science investigations on the theme of water will take place within classrooms where the pupils will be involved in planning, recording, reporting back and making conclusions.
World Water Day will be celebrated in our school – 22nd March 2016.

Biodiversity –
Garden Day – following our previous years very successful event we are again going to start of our school grounds/garden with an exciting garden day. Date – beginning March/more information to follow. We have always been so fortunate to have a team of volunteers to help us on this day and will again be grateful if you could give a couple of hours to help us with our garden work. Please contact school when our date is confirmed.
Garden Club- Mrs Chisholm will run her very popular garden club afterschool on Wednesdays for P1-3. This will start the week after Garden Day, early March. Date to follow. Children will receive a letter about club. Please return quickly if your child is interested.


The school community congratulates Father Michael Kane on his appointment as Parish Priest of St.Augustine’s Parish.  He has carried out a remarkable  job since he came to the parish and we are very forunate that he will remain here to carry on his good work leading our community of faith.  He becomes only the eighth Parish Priest in St.Augustine’s 124 year history.



Catholic Education Week

Well done to the boys and girls of Primary 7 who took an active role during services this weekend as we launched the beginning of Catholic Education Week.  Tomorrow children will come home with an information booklet that informs you of the work of St.Augustine’s Primary as we develop Catholic Gospel Values and encourage our children to put their faith into action.


Our Week Ahead


Our week ahead is extremely busy as ever, however there is an increased impetus to get everything ready for our very important visitors.  Just as you do at home when people come to visit we want to ensure that we show off our school and the achievements of our pupils as well as we can.  Our regular updates in regard of improvements to the school building mean that we are in a position to talk about our plans for specific parts of the school as we are at the mercy of contractors and delivery dates.  We are proud of our school and delight in the wide variety of achievements that all our children attain and enjoy.  We are confident that with so many children who are successful learners and confident individuals they will take the lead role in telling the story about our school and where we are going in order to further improve.

Mon– Netball League – competitive event 10 – 12

Staff training night – Focus on Food, capitalising on our newly fitted kitchen

Football- Pr.6 – 7

Tues. – Mrs.Docherty to attend several meetings with outside agencies

Swimming – Pr.5

St.Ambrose Information evening  – Pr.7 – 7.00pm

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club – Pr.3

Cross Country Afterschool Club – Pr.5 – 7

Wed – Junior Sports Leader training – Pr.7

Assemblies – Pr.1 – 3

Pr.4 – 7

Netball Afterschool Club

Thurs – Healthy Eating Project led by St.Ambrose pupils – Room 9

Dance afterschool Club

Badminton Afterschol Club

Frid. –    First Friday Mass

Interim Progress Reports to be issued

Afterschool Football Club – Pr.4 / 5



Catholic Education Week

Sunday is the start of Catholic Education Week with our senior pupils marking this very important week on our Liturgical Calendar by attending Holy Mass on Sunday to represent the school resplendent in their school uniform. Our senior pupils will say the Prayers of Intercession and will also participate in the offertory. Throughout the week ahead all classes will be involved in lessons and activities around the theme of ‘Learning to be Merciful’.  At our school assemblies we have been discussing how we can put our faith into action and as our week progresses at school we will focus upon what it means to be merciful and how we can continue to put our faith into action.
