Category Archives: Whole School

Pyjama Themed Readathon

Believe it or not but the school hall was a scene of tranquility as classes arrived for their Readathon to celebrate World Book Day.  Everyone arrived suitably dressed in the finest pyjamas and onesies, blanket in hand and cushion to settle themselves down for a good old read.  The pyjama theme continued into the afternoon when the children enjoyed a movie of their choice that was inspired by a well know children’s book.  Everyone is looking forward to dress up day tomorrow when everyone is encouraged to dress up as a character from fiction.  Our afternoon assembly is for Pr.1 – 3 children and parents are invited to join us at 2.00pm.


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World Book Day


WBD2016_blue_rightdownOur pyjama themed readathon takes places tomorrow so please remind childre to bring along pyjamas, cushion, blanket and BOOK for the readathon.  In the afternoon, as part of our Lenten charities our pyjama day continues as children enjoy a movie inspired by a famous children’s novel/book.  Friday is dress up as acharacter from fiction day.  Please ensure that children bring their costumes along to school as they can change into them after we have attended First Friday Mass.  Our Literacy Assembly for pupils and parents of Pr.1 – 3 takes place at 2.00pm.

Fairtrade Tuckshop

Here are some pictures of our Fairtrade Tuckshop. A successful start with lots of hard work and effort from the Global Citizens Committee. Sending a big thank you to all who are supporting this project through buying and selling. It is very much appreciated. Please remember to bring money on Friday and also days allocated next week.

Fairtrade Shop

images-6The Global Citizens Committee would like to inform you that they will be running a Fairtrade tuck shop over the next two weeks. Everything on sale is £2.50 or under, but most things are £1 or under.

Snacks:Chocolate Geobar 50p

Fairbreak Bar 35p

Choc Chip Cookie £1.30

Milk Chocolate Buttons 75p

Fruity Flapjack 79p

Chocolate Flapjack 79p

Milk Chocolate Bar £1

Milk Chocolate Orange Bar £1


Orange Mini Moo 85p

Mint Mini Moo 85p

Mini Moo Bars are all free from gluten, wheat, dairy, lactose & soya.



Crafts:Leather Wrap Bracelet £1

Chevron Bracelet £1

Woven Bracelet £1

Assorted Mini Box £1

Mini Batik Fan £1

Nodding Animal £2.50

Worry Doll £1.50

Keyring £1.50

Rainbow Purse £1.75

Mini Ceramic Animal £1.50

Newspaper Pencil 60p

Glitzy Pen £1.50

Mini Notebook £2

Bamboo Flute 60p

Bird Whistle £1


The shop will be open at playtimes and lunchtimes on Wednesday 2nd March, Friday 4th March, Monday 7th March, Wednesday 9th March, Friday 11th March. The stall will be set up on the stage.

March – April Newsletter

Please check your child’s bag  as copies of the newsletter for March – April will be issued today.  It includes lots of dates for your diary over the next two months.  If at anytime you wish to quickly look at the newsletter to remind yourself about dates or events please note there is an electronic copy available on our drop down menus.

The Week Ahead



This week is an extremely busy week for everyone as all classes are involved in creating their own books for our Literacy Week.  There is a programme of activities across the school throughout the week to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March.  All classes will be involved in reading for enjoyment and will also view Live Literature Broadcasts by Michael Morpurgo, David Walliams, Julia Donaldson and many more.  We are hopeful it will inspire more of our children to read for enjoyment.  This week is also the start of Fairtrade Fortnight and our Global Citizens have organised a Fairtrade shop to be run throughout the fortnight.  This will compliment the work taking place in all classes to learn about Fairtrade.  Our Lenten Charity work continues with a pyjama themed readathon and movie afternoon taking place on Thursday.  Cost will be £1.00 for our Lenten Charities.

Mon. – March – April Newsletter will be issued

Football Afterschool Club (Pr.3)

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club (Pr.3)

Tues. – Pr.7 transition work with St.Ambrose staff

Cross Country Afterschool Club

Wed. – Dental checks, Pr1 and Pr.7

Assembly Pr.1 – 3 and Pr.4 – 7 – theme Fairtrade

Thurs.- World Book Day

Orienteering, Pr.4/5 led by Sports Leaders from St.Ambrose

Pyjama themed readathon, children to bring pyjamas, cushion, blanket and BOOK for readathon.  Pyjama themed movie afternoon – linked to a famous children’s book.

Badminton Afterschool Club

Dance Afterschool Club

Frid. – First Friday Mass

Literacy Assembly – Pr.1 – 3, children to dress up as a character from fiction.  Parents invited to attend at 2.00pm


Friday Assembly

The whole school joined together on Friday morning for our monthly whole school assembly.  Our newly elected House Captains presented the assembly as part of their expected duties and they did a fine job indeed.  Well done House Captains.  They informed the children of the events that will be taking place over the next few weeks and introduced some representatives of the Global Citizens Committee who  informed everyone about Fairtrade Fortnight.  Our Fairtrade shop will be set up next week with lots of interesting items, all at a good price.  Our Confirmandi pupils sang for the school and our Pr. 1- 3 pupils sang their Lenten Song.

The Week Ahead

Our week ahead has much to keep everyone in the school community very busy.  Our Pr.6 and 7 pupils, in particular, will be very busy preparing for their Confirmation service on Thursday evening.  This is the second week of our Lenten Charities.  Our ‘Guess the Bear’s Birthday’ will continue each lunchtime.

Mon. – Netball League – am

Basketball Coaching Session – Pr.7 -am

Tues.  – Mrs.Docherty to attend  training event at Literacy Base – am

Cross Country Afterschool Club

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club

Wed. – Miss Ross – Heartstart training event

Netball Afterschool Club

Thurs.  – SportsLeaders from St.Ambrose to deliver orienteering to Pr.4/5

Badminton Afterschool Club

Dance Afterschool Club

Healthy Eating Programme – Room 9 lead by pupils from St.Ambrose

Confirmation, Pr.6 and  Pr.7 – 7.00pm

Frid. Sports Leaders from St.Ambrose to deliver hockey to Pr.6

Whole School Assembly

Mrs.Docherty to attend Budget Briefing for 2016/2017, St.Ambrose – am

Wacky Hair Day – non-uniform day.  All proceeds are for our Lenten Charities


Our HMI Visit

Our school was extremely busy last week as we played host to a team of HM Inspectors.  They were in to see the teaching and learning and to speak to the children about what they were doing in class and what they needed to do to make further progress in their learning.  They were really impressed with all the children and their capacity to talk about the life of the school.  They complimented the school on having such fine children who displayed great manners and thanked them for making their stay so enjoyable.  Their report will be issued soon and will give the school clear next steps in terms of addressing our ongoing improvement agenda.