Category Archives: Whole School

Eggtastic Fun

This afternoon the whole school joined together for our Easter Bonnet Parade and the result of our Decorated Egg Competition.  Once again the competition was fierce as there were so many outstanding Easter bonnets and terrifically decorated eggs.  Our judges had a real challenge on their hands.  Here is a slide show of the wonderful entries for our Egg Competition.



St.Augustine’s Dig In Day

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Many thanks to our team of parent helpers who joined us today for our Garden Day.  You all worked extremely hard and made a real difference to our school grounds.  We can now look forward to cultivating the plants and the vegetables that we have planted.  Today was also a day to enjoy the school grounds with a Wear Wellie Walk for Pr.1 – 3 and Fun Run for Pr. 4 – 7.  Everyone also enjoyed an Egg Hunt as part of the festivities.  Many thanks to our committees for organising these events.


The Week Ahead

images-5This week is Holy Week and the school community is asked to join the parishioners of St.Augustine’s for the morning service at 8.30am on Monday and Wednesday of this week.  On Thursday our Pr4 – 7 pupils are asked to decorate an egg for the afternoon competition.  Children may bring in props etc . to help decorate their egg on the day.

Please note there will be a Mass to celebrate Miss Thompson’s retirement after 42 years of dedicated and committed service to St.Augustine’s.  All are welcome to join us on Tuesday 29th March at 2.00pm for the service.

Monday – Miltary Museum for the pupils of Rooms13,14,15 and 16.

Room 14 pupils to visit  Centenary House

Tuesday – Morning Service 10.00am


Garden Day – helpers would be greatly appreciated

Wear Wellie Walk – am, Pr.1 – 3

Fun Run – pm, Pr.4 – 7

(events planned by Pupil Council for Lenten Charities)

Thursday – Easter Bonnet Parade – 11.30am, Pr.1 – 3

Whole School Assembly – 1.30pm, Easter Bonnet Parade,

Decorated Egg Competition


Our Week Ahead

This week is a very busy week and we look forward to a number of  events this week and next.  Please note Parents Nights are Tuesday and Thursday.  As both Mrs.Chisholm and Mrs.Hart are both absent at present a date for their parents evenings will have to be rescheduled.   Apologies for the inconvenience caused due these circumstances.  Please note the Enterprise Committee have organised an ODD CLOTHES DAY for Friday.  Odd shoes, socks, back to front clothes etc!! Donation for Lenten Charities.

Mon – Fun Fitness a nd Fotball Afterschool Clubs – Pr.3

Mrs.Docherty involved with Review Meetings

Tues- Cross Country Finals- Good Luck boys and girls

Parents Evening – start 3.30pm.  PTA  to supply refreshments.

Please note the Book Fair will be located in the foyer

Wed. – MrsDocherty out of school to attend Head of Establishment Meeting


Netball Afterschool Club


Dance and Badminton Afterschool Clubs

Parents evening – 6.00pm

Frid – Mini Sportshall Athletics – Pr.2/3 – Airdrie Leisure Centre

Whole School Assembly – talk by SCIAF representative

Rep from UNIPLAY to view school yard with Pupil Council members – playground markings


Literacy Week Highlights

Here are a few more pictures from our very successful Literacy Week, snapshots of the infant Parade that featured the children dressed as characters from fiction, parents reading the children’s books and our middle and upper school in full costume! A great week was had by all. Many thanks to all the mums and dads for their great support throughout the week.

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Please note our Wear Yellow Day on Friday for our Lenten Charity is a non-uniform day.  Children are asked to incorporate yellow into their clothes that day.

Our Daffodil Tea will take place at 11.30am.  All welcome.  Pr.1 – 3 pupils will entertain with a spring song and our musicians will also be on hand to entertain everyone.

Coatbridge Champions

Our Netball Team headed off full of confidence this morning to take part in the Coatbridge Finals at the Sir Matt Busby Sports Centre.  It is with great pride that we can announce they returned as Coatbridge Champions having won the competition overall.  Mrs.Elliott reported that the team were absolutely brilliant and were a real credit to the school.  The team will now go ahead and represent the school at the North Lanarkshire finals.  Outstanding work girls and boys!!!!

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The Week Ahead

images-5Monday – Basketball Coaching, Pr.7, 10 – 11

Netball Finals – Good Luck Team St.Augustine’s

Pr. 3 pupils to visit Church at 1.30pm for a practice for their First Reconciliation

Football and Fun Fitness afterschool club – Pr.3

Tuesday – First Reconciliation Service – 7.00pm

Cross Country Afterschool Club

Wednesday – Mrs.Docherty to attend Literacy Meeting – pm

Mrs. Elliott to attend St.Ambrose H.S. Cluster Meeting  – pm

Assemblies – Pr.1 – 3 and Pr. 4 – 7 – pm

Netball Afterschool Club

Thursday –  Sports Leaders – orienteering – Pr.4/5 – am

Good Luck to our Reading Team who will attend the

Reading Quiz – am

Football Festival – St.Ambrose  – teams from Pr. 6 and 7

Dance and Badminton Afterschool Clubs

Friday – WEAR YELLOW DAY for our Lenten Charities

Daffodil Tea for Parents and Grandparents – Pupils from Pr. 1 – 3 will entertain with a poem or song.  Our young musicians have also agreed to perform.

Make A Difference Committee Groups to meet – pm

Football Afterschool Club – Pr.4 and 5