Category Archives: Whole School

The Week Ahead

Our week ahead is a busy one considering we are off on Monday and it is an In -Service Day on Thursday.

Tues. – Release of HMI Report.  The long awaited report will provide the school with the clear action points it must address as a matter of urgency to ensure all children receive their entitlement to a quality education.  The school is on an Improvement Journey and welcomes this report in assisting us to bring about change and improvement.

Mrs.Docherty out of school (am) visiting Literacy Base.

Rugby – Rooms 15 and 16 – am

Wed. Several visitors to the school today including Occupational Therapist and Learning Support Teachers.

Rooms 1 and 2 – Farm To Fork Visit at Tesco

Thurs. – Ascension Thursday

In-Service Day

Frid. First Friday Mass 10.00am

Church Hall – Grand Opening, Bishop Toal to attend.


Netball Superstars!!!

IMG_4231 IMG_4235Mrs. Elliott and the whole school are absolutely delighted and extremely proud of our talented netball team who represented the school at the North Lanarkshire Finals that took place today at the Tryst Sports Centre in Cumbernauld.  An outstanding team performance resulted in St.Augustine’s Netball team coming in an astonishing second place overall.  This is a magnificent achievement and the whole team should feel thoroughly proud of themselves.  Mrs. Elliott was beaming from ear to ear on her return and could not praise the team high enough for their commitment and dedication.  She reported that they were all amazing.  Congratulations to Cara for winning Best Player of the Team on the day. A super achievement boys and girls, well done!!!



Reminder – our first open afternoon will take place  tomorrow at 1.30pm.  Parents and grandparents are invited to visit classes and to share in the children’s learning experience and find out what happens in their child’s class.  Tea/coffee and refreshments will be available.  We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

School Grounds Development

Thanks to the wonderful fundraising efforts of our PTA the school can look forward to  the addition of playground markings to assist with play activities for the children at break time.  Last term children wrote persuasive letters requesting changes to the playground and they had lots of great ideas. Below is a picture of the playground before any changes.  Tomorrow we will post a few pictures that reveal what markings are in place and the impact they are having on play at break times.

Welcome Back

It is wonderful to welcome everyone back to school for the start of the final school term of 2015/2016.  Children are now fully aware that this is the term to prove that they are ready for the challenges that lie ahead as they prepare for a move to a new stage in August.  Please check your child’s school bag tomorrow as this terms newsletter will be issued detailing planned school events for the term ahead with lots of dates to put in your diary.

Happy Holidays

Another school term has come to an end!!  Our fingers are crossed that the weather looks kindly upon us over the next two weeks and provides everyone with the chance to get out in the great outdoors.  We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 18th April at 9 o’clock.


Farewell Miss Thompson

Our beloved Miss Thompson retired from St.Augustine’s today after 42 years of dedicated service to our school community.  Quite an accomplishment! She has worked tirelessly to promote Gospel Values across the school and has taught thousands of children throughout her 42 years of service.  Her entire teaching career has been spent with the children of St.Augustine’s Primary and for that we are eternally grateful.   She has confessed to now teaching the children of parents and grandparents she had previously taught.  We wish Miss Thompson a very long, happy and healthy retirement and look forward to welcoming her back to the school in the not too distant future.  She will be greatly missed by everyone.