Category Archives: Whole School


A huge big thank you to the Parent Council and all the contributors who gave up their time to attend our Careers Fair this afternoon.  It was a huge success and truly inspired many children to consider what interests them, what skills they have and what careers they may consider for the future.  It was great to see the event so well received by both parents, pupils and staff.  Well done everyone and thank you for making the event such a success.



Our hard working Parent Council have worked extremely hard over the last few weeks to organise a Careers Fair for the children of the school.  You are never too young to give consideration to what career options are out there and this fair will give the children opportunities to talk to a wide array of people in regard of their career, the skills they developed the jobs they carry out.  I am sure the children will have plenty of questions and the event will hopefully get them thinking about the future.  It is sure to be both highly informative and inspirational!!! Doors open at 3.00pm.  Please come along and support this great event.

Our Week Ahead

This week is another busy week as always at St.Augustine’s.  This week we have a strong focus on Health and Well-Being as we have the second of our Health Weeks this school year.  So please remeber to ensure your child brings their P.E. kit each day just incase they are involved in some activities.

This week is also National Walk to School Week – so get those walking shoes on!!

Mon – Pr. 5 – 7 – Orienteering with Vikki Sadler Active Sports Co-ordinator

Healthy Food Workshops with Liz Wilkie – TESCO

Pr.4 Church Practice for First Communion

Tues – Fluoride Coating Pr 1 and 2 pupils

NLC Can Cook – workshops

Miss Robertson, St.Ambrose H.S. to speak to Pr.7 (R.E.)

Mrs.Docherty out at a meeting – pm

WORLD OF WORK – CAREERS FAIR – 3.00pm in hall, all welcome

Wed. – Mrs.Docherty , Mrs.Fraser to attend NLC Learning Festival

Pr.4 – Church Practice – First Communion

Thurs. – St.Ambrose Football Festival – Pr,. 5, 6 and 7 teams selected. Girls team

Pr. 1, New Entrants Induction Afternoon

Frid. – Truck and Child Safety to visit school for whole school talks

Mrs.Elliott – training session

Basketball training session



New Entrants

The first of our Induction Days took place today with 59 children joining us to see the classroom environment and to become familiar with the school.  I am delighted to report that the children lined up beautifully and all looked like seasoned school pupils.  We look forward to welcoming both children and parents to next weeks Induction afternoon.


New badminton sessions start this evening in St Ambrose High School and are open to all St Augustine’s pupils and even to mums and dads! There are three separate sessions, each geared to a different age group:

6-7pm: 5-10 years
7-8pm: 11-16 years
8-9pm: Adult session

The cost is £3.10 per session. To book a place for either your child or yourself, please contact the Time Capsule on 01236 449572.

New Entrants

Tomorrow afternoon the school community will welcome our new entrants who will begin school in August as Pr.1 pupils.  The boys and girls will get the opportunity of carrying out some activities in a new learning enviroment, meeting new friends and becoming familiar with some school staff.  We are delighted they are coming to join us and we look forward to August when they become St.Augustine’s pupils.

The Week Ahead

Screen-Shot-2016-01-22-at-16.27.04MONDAY – Rm 3 (am) , Rm 4 (pm) – Visit to Tesco  – Farm to Fork

Ian Webb, North Lanarkshire Challenge to meet Pr. 7 pupils 11.15am

Mrs.Docherty – out of school am, training session

Mrs.Docherty out of school – meeting -pm

First Communicants to visit Church

TUESDAY – Rm 6 (am), Rm 7 (pm) – Visit to Tesco – Farm to Fork

Father Kane to visit Mrs,Docherty, school 11.00am

Educational Psychologist to visit school

First Communicants – Hymn singing practice – pm

WEDNESDAY – Health Committee to visit Tesco – am

Miss Lester to attend Pupil Concil Conference with 2

pupils at Gartlea Community Centre – am

Junior Cross Country – Pr. 3 and 4 pupils, Coatbridge

Outdoor Sports Centre – am

Football League – 3.30

THURSDAY -Gaelic Football Event – 9.30 – 12.30, 6 teams

Pr.1 new entrants , Induction Afternoon – 1.30pm

FRIDAY – Whole School Assembly 11.30am

SUNDAY – First Communion, Mass 10.00am



The PTA Family Race Night was a huge success on Friday with a full house and lots of families coming out in support of the school and the great efforts of the PTA.   The PTA and school would like to extend a huge thanks to everyone for their support on the night and for their generosity in contributing to PTA funds.  The evening took place in the newly refurbished Church Hall which was a perfect venue.  Our picture gallery gives a flavour of the PTA’s very successful night.  Great work ladies!!