Category Archives: Whole School


I have had the great pleasure over the last two weeks of reading the wonderful reports that have been written about your children.  They clearly identified your child’s successes this year, their involvement in the community life of the school and outlined their increasing skills, knowledge and talents.  Well done boys and girls!  We aim to have all reports issued on Friday, possibly sooner, and will include notification of your child’s class and teacher for next session

Celebrating Success

Today at our Wednesday afternoon assembly we celebrated the accomplishments of our fabulous boys and girls.  Pupils received pupil of the week awards and good citizen awards.  I was in the process of uploading  a photograph of today’s recipients when I realised that quite a few pictures have not been posted and this included pictures of pupils who have achieved success out of school. Apologies children here you are!

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Our Week Ahead

images-5 This week is as busy week as ever at St.Augustine’s with several  classes leaving school this week and plans well underway for our end of term summer show performed by Pr.6 and Pr.7 pupils

Mon – New staff members for August to visit the school for a walkaround

Tues – Pr. 7 pupils to see St.Ambrose Show – Grease – am

Mrs.Docherty – nursery visits

Wed. – Pr.6 Retreat at St.Augustine’s Parish Centre.  A huge thank you to Father Kane for working in partnership with the school and St.Ambrose to organise this event.

Mrs.Docherty – nursery visits

Thurs. – Childline workshop for Pr.7 – am

Mrs.Docherty – nursery visits

Frid. – Pr.7 Retreat at St.Augustine’s Parish Centre.


The school community got together today for a fabulous sports day in the sunshine.  Many thanks to everyone who came along to either our Room 1 – 8 or Room 9 – 16 sports events and for cheering everyone along.  Below we have a slideshow of pictures from this afternoons event.  A slideshow of our Room 1 – 8 morning event will be posted tomorrow!! Mr.O’Dowd features but I don’t recall seeing him race or win so he has clearly pinched someone’s medals!!

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DH-Sports-day-PIReminder our sports day takes place tomorrow for the whole school.  Please note amended times to the previously advertised times on the school newsletter.

Room 1 – 8 – 10.00am (Pr.4 children in Room 8 can run with their class or run with the Pr.4 pupil in the afternoon).  Apologies for any confusionand change to plans.

Room 9 – 16 – 1.00pm

Children to wear their own sports wear.

An early lunch will take place at 12.00 to accommodate times.


Breaking News

Our PTA would like me to inform you that the final sum raised on Saturday was an astonishing £1,970.  An astonishing figure.  A huge big thank you to everyone for their hard work and to all who came along and supported our summer fair.  Another very successful fundraising event by our wonderful PTA.  Thank you ladies.

Summer Fair

Saturday was a fabulous day that saw the school community come together for our annual summer fair.  It was great to see our Summer Fair take place in brilliant sunshine with everyone enjoying themselves.  Our fabulous PTA really did us proud and raised the astonishing sum of £1,850 for PTA funds. That was an amazing sum and we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the PTA, to school staff and to all the parents, grandparents and children who came along to support the school.  Our slideshow below captures the great day that was had by all!!

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IMG_0211Our Summer Fair on Saturday 4th June, is fast approaching.  The PTA and school will be delighted to accept donations for our tombola and bottle stall, groceries, toys and books.  Please send any donations to the school.  Thank you in advance  of your great support.