Category Archives: Whole School

Macmillan Tea and Coffee Morning

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Congratulations to Mrs. Allison’s wonderful group of Pr.7 pupils who lead,  organised and managed a very successful morning.  The children did a wonderful job of presenting a powerpoint about the role of Macmillan nurses and also presented a very entertaining sketch that gave our talented pupils an opportunity to show off their drama skills.  The variety of cakes on display was a great testament to the very talented bakers we have at St.Augustine’s.  Mary Berry eat your heart out!  The morning raised the astonishing sum of £510.67.  A huge big thank you to everyone for your support on the day and for the mouthwatering cakes.



Macmillan Tea and Coffee Morning

logoThe school plays host to a coffee/tea morning on Friday at 10 o’clock.  One of our Pr.7 classes have taken on the responsibility of organising this event and are even planning to do some baking.  Donations of cakes on the day would be greatly appreciated.  Our young musicians have gladly accepted a booking to perform whilst you have your tea/coffee and cake.  We hope you can join us.

Week Ahead


Tuesday Mr. O’Dowd – Paternity Leave – Mr.Clarke to cover

Mrs. Docherty at Literacy Base 9.00 – 12.15

Mrs.Docherty attending Family Group Meeting – St.Pat’s 2.00pm

Mrs.Docherty attending Developing Young Workforce – Session 1 – Committee Room 1 – – 3.45- 5.15

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to continue monitoring programme

Football Friendship League – 3.30 – 4.30pm -Pr.7 pupils



PTA Meeting/AGM – 7.15pm.  New members warmly welcomed

Wednesday Transition visit – Mrs. McDonald – St.Ambrose , Pr.7 9.15am

Monitoring Rm 10 and 11 – Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Pr. 1- 3 1.25 – 2.05– Assembly

Pr. 4 – 7 2.10 – 2.50 Assembly


Thursday Mrs.Docherty to attend Child Protection Training session – 9 – 12.30

ACPHT – Meeting – Diocesan Centre – Mrs. Docherty – 1.45pm

Boardmaker Plus training session – Miss Ross and Mrs.Elliott 9.30 – 12.30

Monitoring – Rm 13 and 16 – Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Badminton afterschool club

Pr.3 Service Church – 6.30pm

Friday MacMillanTea – 10.00 – 11.00 , Rm 7 to lead. Musicians to play for visiting parents and grandparents.

Friday Assembly – 11.30am. House Captains and Vice Captains to lead

Enrolment Service – Pr.1 – 2.00pm – church. TBC


Sponsored Walk

13428363861300088437dont-forget-smiley-mdTomorrow is our annual sponsored walk for school funds.  Please remember it is a non-uniform day.  The school will be delighted to receive all completed sponsor forms and sponsor money.  A huge than you to all for the great support you show the school and for your anticipated generosity.

Parental Engagement Survey

North Lanarkshire Council’s Parental Engagement Strategy is currently being revised.

As well as reviewing the practice since the introduction of the Parental Involvement Act 2006, the revised strategy will draw on schools’ current and intended relationship with parents.

The recently published Education Scotland Act 2016 and the HGIOS4 both contain dedicated sections which emphasise the need for schools and parents to work effectively to enhance pupil progress and school improvement.

North Lanarkshire have created a survey for parents which can be accessed by clicking on the following link (before Friday 30th September).

Parental Engagement Survey

Sponsored Walk

images-6Our annual sponsored walk around our local landmarks takes place on Thursday.  Pr 1 – 3 will leave the school in the morning and Pr.4 – 7 will leave in the afternoon.  Please remember to complete your sponsor form and to send the money to the school as soon as possible.  Children to wear their own clothes on Thursday and to dress for our inclement weather.  We will still go walking even if there is a little rain!  Fingers crossed the sun shines! We welcome any parents who would like to join us and assist with supervision on the day.  Please contact the school to inform us that you are available to help.