Category Archives: Whole School

The Week Ahead


Monday Emma Pearson – Community Learning Development – to see Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Scottish Parliament Outreach Team – working with Pr.5.

Angela  Glover – Literacy Support– Pr.2 -1.10pm

Mrs. Elliott – to lead in-service training with support staff- Better Reading


STAFF MEETING – 3.10 – 3.55

Tuesday Dalida Kinniburgh, Educational Psychologist – school visit

Angela Glover – support visit – Pr.1 11.15am

Mrs. Elliott – to lead in-service training with support staff- Better Reading

Football Friendship League – 3.30pm

Rights Respecting School – 4 – 5pm –Kildonan Street, Mrs.Docherty


Wednesday Kathleen/Heather – SLT – DROP IN SESSION – LEARNING HUB – 3.00PM

Planning,Review Meeting- Mrs. Hart 9.15

James Woods – Brass assessments – to promote the uptake of brass tuition at Pr.5 and Pr.6

Lunchtime training – Junior Sports Leaders

Miss Ross – to lead in-service training with support staff- ASD

Mrs.Hart –Kodaly training 3.30 – 5.00 Pr.1- 4

NETBALL – Afterschool club

Arts and Crafts Afterschool Club – Miss Watt , Pr.4/5

Thursday Cluster meeting – AFA – Mrs. Rankin to attend 11.00

Pupil Focus Group Meetings – 9.30 – Mrs. Docherty, Mrs.Elliott

Miss Ross  – in-service training with support staff- ASD

CLUSTER MEETING – Mrs.Docherty – St.Ambrose  1.30pm

BASKETBALL – Pr.5 2.10 – 3.00pm


Miss Watt – Co-operative Learning 9 – 4pm

Dsylexia Scotland – information evening – ALONA HOTEL – 7.30PM

Friday Influenza Vaccine

AGlover – support visit – Pr.3 – 10am

Pupil Focus Group Meetings – Mrs. Docherty, Mrs. Elliott

Committee Meetings – pm

FUNDAMENTALS afterschool club – Pr.3

PINK LADIES NIGHT – St.Augustine’s Church Hall

Friday Assembly

Our House Captains were hard at work on Friday morning with our whole school monthly assembly.  They id a fine job of informing everyone of the life of the school and pupil achievements.  Many thanks to Mrs.Drummond and our Pr. 7 stars who informed the school about Peer Mediation and how it will help everyone to reflect on their actions and promote a more harmonious school.  Well done boys and girls.  House Winners were announced for October.  Congratulations to Summerlee!!

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Fireworks Display NLC

images-1Celebrate Guy Fawkes in style, and keep the family safe by joining one of the four free firework displays being hosted across North Lanarkshire on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 November.
Three displays are taking place on Friday 4 November. Come along to:
Airdrie Leisure Centre. A bonfire will be lit at 7pm in Rawyards Park, followed by a firework display at 7.30pm.
Dunbeth Park, Coatbridge. A bonfire will be lit at 7pm with fireworks beginning at 7.30pm, and
St. Maurice’s High School, Cumbernauld. The fireworks display begins at 7.30pm.
On Saturday 5 November the fun moves to Strathclyde Country Park Motherwell, for an event jointly organised by North and South Lanarkshire Councils. The bonfire is lit at 6.45pm, with fireworks beginning at 7.15pm. Enjoy 30 minutes of a spectacular light show as fireworks reflect over the water of Strathclyde loch.
A funfair run by M&Ds will be open from 4.30pm to 8.30pm and there will be live music and entertainment from Clyde 1 from 6pm.

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School Meals Week

Please note the changes to the menu for this week as new items are added to the menu to celebrate Scottish School Meals Week.

For every two promotional school meals sold on these days, Unilever will donate one meal to children in Kenya. This provides a great opportunity for the children of North Lanarkshire to support others, while at the same time enjoying the tasty school meals we have to offer.

Facility Support intends to recognise the school with the highest sales and therefore the most meals to the children of Kenya!

aw-week-2 scottish-school-meals-promotion


Week Ahead Update

Monday PGDE student – Kirsten Brodie – day visit – Pr.2 starting 7/11 – 15/12 – Rm 6

Fiona Whitelaw – Year 2 student– Pr.3 31/10- 2/12 – Room 11 – changed from previously indicated.

Heather Ewart – Kodaly

Vince McLuskey – Inclusion Base, school visit – pm

Mrs Welsh – out of school – pm

Tuesday Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott – to attend Scotia books- am visit

Mr.Glen -new Chairperson of the Parent Council  – to visit  Mrs.Docherty- 9.15am

MASS – whole school – All Saints Day – 10.00am

Pope Francis Faith Award Support Meeting for Pr.7 teachers 2- 4pm, looking forward from Pr.6

Cross Country Afterschool

Wednesday North Lanarkshire Swimming Competiton – pupils AMcPake, ACochrane, OReilly to attend (Pr.6/7).  We wishe them every success!!

Lunchtime training – Junior Sports Leaders

Mrs.Hart –Kodaly training 3.30 – 5.00 Pr.1- 4

School blog – short information sharing/training session 3.00pm

NETBALL – Afterschool club

Thursday Heather /Kathleen. SLT – to work with Miss Ross and group of children – 9.30am

Miss Thomson, out of school  – Co-operative Learning 9 – 4pm

Possible Cluster Meeting – Mrs. Docherty – St.Ambrose 2.15pm – tbc


Halloween Parade

The boys and girls enjoyed getting dressed up on Friday to have a Hallowen Parade.  Our Pr.1 – 3 pupils entertained parents with some songs and poems in the morning and our Pr.4 – 7 pupils had their own parade in the afternoon.  A huge thank you to parents for your great effort and creativity in making such fabulous costumes!!  Quite outstanding!!

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