Category Archives: Whole School

Christmas Fair

The school community and PTA were delighted that parents and grandparents turned out in such amazing numbers to support our Christmas Fair.  It was a fabulous event with many stalls selling out fast.  Santa was busy all morning with a long line of excited children eager to make sure he knew exactly what they would like for Christmas.  A huge thank you to everyone who supported this great school event – the list is extremely long and includes our great staff team, wonderful children and amazing PTA who worked tirelessly behind the scenes in preparation for the day.  Quite amazing!  Please watch out for the announcement in regard of how much money was raised for school funds.

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St.Andrew’s Day Concert

Congratulations to all the boys and girls for putting on such a polished performance on the 30th November to celebrate St.Andrew’s Day.  You were a real credit to your teachers.  Learning all those verses was a real accomplishment.  It was lovely to be joined by a representative of MacMillan Nurses who came along to receive a cheque for £510.67 thanks to our Coffee/Tea morning way back in September.   We were also joined by Lindsay from St.Andrew’s Hospice who recrived a cheque for over £500 thanks to donations and the sale of raffle tickets that afternoon.  Many thanks to everyone for your great generosity.

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imagesThe Season of Advent is now upon us and we are asked to prepare for the Birth of Jesus by renewing our commitment to Christ the Lord through prayer, penance and actions of faith. To support us on this Advent Journey we are asked to make an effort to attend Holy Mass before the start of our school day.  Father Kane and Father Travers will serve Mass at 8.40am each morning in St.Augustine’s Church.  In school Mrs.Lally will lead a short prayer service each Thursday at 8.45am in the school music room, parents and children are most welcome to attend.  In school we will follow Father Kane’s message of making an Advent Promise to carry out a good deed, act of kindness.  This will involve the children in making their promise on paper and adding it to our undecorated Christmas Tree in the school hall.  Children can make their promise, such as ‘go to bed when I am told’, ‘be kind to someone you perhaps don’t get on with’, ‘help out more at home’, ‘go to Mass during Advent’ and add their completed decoration and promise to the tree.  Hopefully our Christmas Tree will be alive with the promises of our children to make a difference and we can give the Christ Child the kind of gifts/presents he longs to receive – our good deeds and kindness to others throughout Advent.

St.Andrew’s Day

saint-andrews-day-30th-november-flag-pictureThe whole school will be celebrating the Feast Day of our nations patron saint on Wednesday.  We will join parishioners for Holy Mass at 10 o’clock.  Our St.Andrew’s Day concert will take place at 1.30pm with all classes entertaining us through song and dance.  Please note the school hall has limited capacity so we kindly ask that only one family member come along to see their child in order that we can accommodate everyone.  Your support in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Christmas Fair

4823-christmas-fair-logo-4c-1Our Christmas Fair takes place on Saturday 3rd December from 11.00am – 1.00pm.  The school welcomes any donations for the tombola and bottle stall and also donations of children’s books and toys.

Santa will be in residence at St.Augustine’s for the duration of the fair so please remember to bring along your little ones to visit Santa in his grotto.

What are we up to this week?

Monday Mrs. Docherty – out at Family Group Meeting – Coatbridge High School

Heather Ewart – KODALY – Pr.5,  SCHOOL CHOIR – 2.30PM

Planning and Review Meetings – Rm 1,2,7,8

St.Ambrose Information Evening for Pr.7 pupils – 6 – 7pm


Tuesday PANTOMIME – am – own clothes day. Christmas jumpers etc!!

Children to bring a packed lunch, only Snack to Go will be available from the canteen. No hot food that day due to late return from Panto.



MASS – 10.00am

CONCERT – 1.30pm   MacMillan Cheque to be presented, St.Andrew’s Hospice to be presented with money from raffles.

LUNCH (11.45 – 12.35)

Myra Lindsay – staff training –  NUMBER TALKS – to speak to Mirs.Drummond, Mrs.Allison, Mrs.Murray, Mrs.Elder



PTA MEETING – 7.15pm

Thursday Basketball – Pr.5 2.10- 3.00

Ann Rodgers to visit Miss Broadley

Planning and Review Meeting – Rm 9,15

Myra Lindsay – NUMBER TALKS staff training – to speak to Miss Watt, Miss Lester, Mrs. McGlone, Mrs.Thomson

In -service training for staff on Listening and Talking Resource- led by Mrs.ELLIOTT

Pope Francis Faith Award– Pizza Night – Pr.6 Candidates – 5.30 – 7.00pm

Friday Mrs. Gillooly out of school –  am

Assembly – 11.30 – monthly award winners, house winners

Extra play for house winners – support staff to assist – 2.00

Preparation for Christmas Fair – pm


Wednesday Awards

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Our Wednesday assembly was action packed as always as we celebrated pupil achievement and pupil listened to a presentation on anti-bullying.  During our spotlight on success it was great to see so many children share their accomplishments and interests and things that are important to them.  Confident individuals indeed!!