Category Archives: Whole School

Children’s Wellbeing Survey

All schools in North Lanarkshire have been asked to participate in a Health and Wellbeing survey with P5 to P7 pupils. The survey is called the Children’s Wellbeing Survey. On Friday of this week, every pupil in P5 to P7 will be issued with a letter and information sheet. Parents have 10 days to complete and return the opt out sheet which is contained within the letter, if you do not wish your child to participate in this research.

The survey will begin in school from 30th January.

The survey is anonymous and we are assured that the results of the survey will be used to understand the wellbeing needs of children and help staff to improve services in the area.

Please check your child’s bag on Friday and pass this information on to friends and family.


img_0335-1Enrolments for children starting Primary 1 in August take place throughout this week.  Appointments are already in the school diary for the week ahead.  Please remember that ALL pupils living within the St.Augustine’s catchment area must register for Primary 1 at the school , even if they will be attending a different school after the summer holidays. Likewise, parents who do not stay in our catchment area but would like their child to come to St Augustine’s must register in their local primary school and make a placing request. Please remember to bring a birth certificate, Council Tax letter and, if available, baptismal certificate when registering your child this week. Thank you.  We look forward to welcoming all our new parents and future Pr.1 pupils to our community of faith and learning.

What’s on this week?


Monday Mrs.Glover – literacy visit – Pr. 7

Mrs.Docherty – out of school  (pm)- social work visit.

Pope Francis Faith Award – Support Meeting for Pr.6 teachers – 2.00 – 4.00 – Diocesan Centre


Tuesday Mrs.Drummond out – Mental Agility Training 3.15 – 4.30

God’s Loving Plan – Pr.6 – teacher training session

Laura Sharples  – to visit staff – training session


Wednesday Boxing Training sessions for all P.E. blocks 9 – 12.30


Thursday Mrs. Docherty – Head of Establishment Meeting

Classroom Assistant Training Session – Food Activities – am

Miss Thomson – in-service training


Friday Pr. 1 and Pr.7 Dental inspections – all day

Committee Meetings – pm. VSadler to join Health Committee – School Sport Award



Anti-Bullying Workshop and Play

Our Pr.7 pupils were involved in anti-bullying workshop on Tuesday.  They then presented a play to the whole school in the afternoon with a powerful message about bullying behaviour and it’s impact on victims.  Their play also featured scenes that included the impact of cyber-bullying.  You really couldn’t hear a pin drop in the hall as this powerful message was so perfectly shared.  A short question and answer session at the end really illustrated how well the children had inderstood the great work of Pr.7.  Excellent work boys and girls.  You were a real credit to the school.

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Happy New Year

9716c013765d859a757536ec19ab8568_happy-new-year-clipart-8-hadad-clipart-happy-new-year_400-375A warm welcome is extended to our school community for the start of 2017 and a new school term.  This term will be an extremely busy term at school as we welcome visits by HMI and the authority.  We will also be celebrating the schools 50th Anniversary in March.  Please check your child’s school bag for this month’s newsletter which is packed full of news and dates for your diary.  The school office will be happy to arrange appointments for infant registration week beginning 16th Jan.

Please note below the menu for this week and details for the week ahead.




Monday Welcome back to Mrs. Murray (Room 13)

Welcome to B.Ed. 3 students – Paige Beattie – Pr.4, Leyla Tosunoglu – Pr.7

B.Ed. 2 Fiona Whitelaw –Pr.3

STAFF MEETING – 3.10 , Mr.Glen to introduce himself as new Parent Council Chairperson

Tuesday KONFLUX Theatre company to work with Pr.7 – Play in a Day.  Pr.7 to present their anti-bullying play to the whole school at 2.20pm. – HALL

1.30 – Mrs.Elliott to attend Absence Review Meeting – Kildonan Street

Wednesday Mrs. Docherty – meeting Mrs.Milligan – Support for Learning Manager

Visit by outside agency – CAMHS

Mrs.Docherty – to attend briefing meeting Civic Centre – 3.45pm

Thursday Authority visit – class visits– am, pm – review of paperwork/ review of  findings
Friday Mrs.Docherty booked all morning for Review Meetings

Closing date for entries to the gymnastic competition

First Friday Mass

Infant Registration

Registration for infant beginners for Session 2017/2018 will take place week commencing Monday 16th January to Friday 20th January. Please contact the school office in person or by telephone on 01236 632090 to make an appointment to register your child. Please ensure that you bring along your child’s birth certificate, Baptismal certificate and proof of address for registration. The school would like you to assist by bringing this notice to the attention of family members, neighbours and friends who have children of school age due to start school.

We look forward to welcoming new pupils to our community of faith and learning

                                          APPLY       LEARN     ACHIEVE


Christmas Concert

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Wednesday afternoon saw our whole school perform to a packed hall of parents and grandparents.  They were entertained by a thoroughly polished performance from our wonderfully talented Pr.1 and 2 pupils who performed their nativity Census Sums.  They were amazing.  Later our young musicians entertained followed by classes who sang a medley of carols and Christmas songs.  We hope everyone left feeling full of the festive spirit.  Our final performance takes place this evening.  Below is our slideshow of highlights from Wednesday afternoon.


Christmas Concert

229Our Infant Nativity ‘Census Sums’ takes place tomorrow afternoon and Thursday evening.  Limited tickets remain available for the two performances.  Children from Pr. 1 and 2 have been notified by letter in regard of what to wear for their performances.  Pupils from Pr. 3 – 7 have been notified by their class teacher in regard of what to wear.  If in doubt, please send your child to school in their uniform and they can bring along their own clothes for the afternoon performance (Christmas jumpers, bright clothes).  We are looking forward to welcoming you to school over the next two days.  Hopefully you will be filled with the Christmas Spirit if it has not struck you yet!!