Category Archives: Whole School

Literacy Assembly

Our Literacy Assembly for the pupils and parents of Pr.1 – 3 will take place on Friday 3rd March at 11.15am.  Children are asked to dress up as a character from fiction for this event.  Children can dress up across the school tomorrow to celebrate our Literacy Week.

School Blog

Our school blog will continue to update in regard of school news and what is up and coming in school. However  we are unable , at the moment,  to upload photographs that fully reflect the life of our school.  When this issue has been resolved we will provide a gallery of pictures reflecting our Literacy Week and School Celebrations for our Golden Jubilee.

Literacy Week Plans

All pupils were issued with an information leaflet last week detailing our work throughout Literacy Week.  Please note all classes will have timetabled slots for the Book Fair throughout the school week. Pyjama themed readathon takes place on Thursday as we celebrate World Book Day.  Literacy Dress Up Assembly for Pr. 1 – 3, parents are invited to attend, takes place on Friday 11.15am.

What’s Happening this Week

Our week ahead is action packed with all classes involved in our Literacy Week Celebrations.  All  classes have been busy completing the writing of their own books and will be involved in reading for enjoyment throughout the school week.  The Book Fair is in the school all week with plenty of opportunity to buy a new book.  All classes have also been extremely busy preparing for our forthcoming school concert to celebrate our 50th Anniversary.  It has been a real treat to take a trip down memory lane.  Tickets for our concert will go on sale this week.

Monday Mrs. Docherty – out all day – Pupil Equity Event – Celtic Park 9 – 4pm

Mrs.Ewart – Kodaly – Pr. 5/Choir – 2.30p

Miss Whitelaw BA Year 2 student 27.2 – 31.3  – Pr.3

Netball League – team out am

Mrs. Elliott – out am at Literacy Base –  Wave 3 training

Mrs.Fraser -point of contact for any visiting parents – am


Tuesday Mrs.Fraser point of contact for all visiting parents today

Mrs. Docherty to attend HT support meeting Discipline and Grievance – Airdrie Academy 4 – 5.30pm

Lunchtime Choir – lead by Mrs.Murray



Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY – school to attend service 10.00am

Local Author – Jane Burns to meet with Pr. 7 pupils 1.30pm



Thursday WORLD BOOK DAY – Pyjama Themed Readathon

Courtney Lindsay – to join staff team – 5 weeks – office placement – New Lanark College

Thrilling Thursday – Crazy Hair Day


Friday Infant Assembly Literacy Week (Parents invited) – Pr. 1- 3 – 11.15 – 12.15.  All children invited to dress up as a character from fiction

Early Break – 10.45 – 11.00.

1.30pm – Mrs. Docherty parent review meeting

Mrs. Lally to finish up for her Maternity Leave!  We give her our best wishes.  Miss Brolly to cover Room 3 thereafter.


Sad News

Our school community was greatly saddened last week when we heard the very sad news that Mrs.Patricia Chisholm’s husband  Martin passed away.  We hope you can keep Mr and Mrs.Chisholm and their family in your prayers.  The funeral service for Mr.Chisholm will take place on Tuesday at 10.00am in St.Augustine’s Church.

Friday Assembly

Our end of month school assembly saw our new Primary 7 House Captains and Vice Captains present their first whole school assembly.  They did a wonderful job and presented with great confidence.  At our Friday assembly the Editor of the Coatbridge and Airdrie Advertiser came along with one of the judges of the Writing Competition.  We were delighted to announce that one of our very own Pr.7 pupils came in third in her catergory that had  over 250 entries.  Quite an achievement.!!  She was presented with a wonderful glass award and vouchers.  Our children are really aspiring to great things and we could not be more proud.  Please watch out for the feature in the next edition of the Advertiser.  Our end of month assembly gave us a chance to celebrate the Writers, Maths Stars and Artisits of the Month!!  Well done boys and girls!!

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The Week Ahead

Monday Mrs. Elliott – out am – Literacy Coach Training – Wave 3

Mrs.Docherty to attend meetings – pm


Tuesday Cross Country Qualifier – am, Coatbridge Outdoor Sports Centre

Mrs.Docherty – meeting – pm

Barbara Cochrane – dietician – to meet with Mrs. Docherty, Mrs. Hanlon

Developing the Young Workforce – 3.45 – 5.15 pm – Mrs.Docherty to attend Kildonan Street

COOKING CLUB – Miss Ross – Pr.5


Wednesday St.Ambrose Sports Leaders -22nd – 22nd March 9.15- 10.15 P.E. block – Rm 16 – swap to be made to accommodate   class.

ASSEMBLIES – Lynne Cairney to speak to Pr.4 – 7 about Credit Union



PTA MEETING – 7.15pm. Parish Centre

Thursday Mrs. Kinniburgh – Educational Psychologist – school vist – am

Tracey Mann – New Lanark College to visit College Student – am


Friday Whole school assembly – 11.15 – Global Citizens to carry out presentation on Fairtrade Fortnight. Visit by Advertiser for award.

School library visit – 9.15am – Pr.7