Category Archives: Primary 7

Coatbridge Champions

Our Netball Team headed off full of confidence this morning to take part in the Coatbridge Finals at the Sir Matt Busby Sports Centre.  It is with great pride that we can announce they returned as Coatbridge Champions having won the competition overall.  Mrs.Elliott reported that the team were absolutely brilliant and were a real credit to the school.  The team will now go ahead and represent the school at the North Lanarkshire finals.  Outstanding work girls and boys!!!!

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Literacy Assembly Pr. 4 – 7

On Friday we continued our celebration of World Book Day.  After our attendance at First Friday Mass the boys and girls changed into their costumes that were based upon characters from the world of fiction.  It really was fantastic to see such a great response from pupils across the school.  Our Friday morning assembly involved the pupils of Pr. 4 – 7 who listened to a recap of the weeks events and then had a parade in their costumes.  We look forward to next week when the boys and girls across the school share the books they have written themselves in class.  We also have timetabled slots to visit the book fair.  A busy week ahead as always at St.Augustine’s.  As son as we have pictures of the Pr.1 – 3 assembly we will post them on the blog.

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Confirmation Service


image-300x300A warm congratulations is extended to all Pr.6 and Pr.7 pupils who who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday evening.  I am sure you must have all felt extremely proud of yourselves.  The school staff and your parents could not have felt more proud of you all at a service that was both moving and uplifting.  You were a real credit to your families.

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Grant them:
the gift of WISDOM to see the world through Your eyes;
the gift of COUNSEL to make difficult decisions;
the gifts of KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING to use their minds to know You and to love You;
the gift of FORTITUDE to have the courage to live out their faith, despite difficulties and disappointments;
the gift of PIETY to be able to express their love and commitment to You;
the right kind of awesome FEAR that makes them pause each day to wonder at and revere God’s amazing love.



Our Pr.6 and 7 pupils will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday evening.  The service will begin at 7.00pm and all children are asked to be seated by 6.45pm. Staff will be on hand to ensure all sponsors are directed to the correct seats that correspond with the children.  We pray for our our Confirmandi at this very important time on their Faith journey.


Cross Country

Last week we had a strong group of very talented long distance runners who took part in the North Lanarkshire Qualifiers.  It was a great morning that gave our very talented pupils the opportunity to represent the school with pride.  We are delighted to announce that every single pupil beat their personal best and we also have a number of pupils who qualified for the finals.  What a super achievement!!  Great work boys and girls!


Please note that this is a holiday weekend.  The school will be closed on

Monday 8th Feb.

Tuesday 9th Feb.

In-service Day 10th Feb.

School re-opens Thurs. at 9.00pm

*Please note it is Ash Wednesday on the 10th.  A letter from Father Kane has been issued to all pupils detailing times of services for Ash Wednesday and for services throughout Lent.  A morning service will take place every morning at 8.30am.  As our church is so close it wil be lovely to see an increased number of children attending Holy Mass during Lent.

Art & Design Afterschool Club

Miss Ross’ afterschool club looks like a club that requires a great deal of concentration going by the expressions on the faces of the Pr.7 pupils who attend.  The group have completed the first step of their investigations with lots to develop at their next session.  Just have a week peek to see how things are coming along just now.  We can’t wait to see the finished products!!!

Pr.7 High School Visit

Just  a reminder that all Pr.7 parents are invited to an information evening at St.Ambrose tomorrow evening7.00- 8.00pm.  The evening will give all parents the opportunity to hear about how Pr.7 pupils are supported trough the transition process and what kind of educational experience they can expect at St.Ambrose when their child starts inAugust.

Paired Reading

Our Paired Reading Programme began on Tuesday afternoon and involves Pr.7 pupils taking on a leadership role through working with and supporting the progress of our Pr.1 pupils and their literacy skills.   Primary 7 pupils trained by Miss Ross and Mrs Chisholm had been waiting patiently to put their new skills into practice prior to the first session.  Both Miss Ross and Mrs Chisholm reported that they  were an absolute delight when they came down to visit the infant department. They were all extremely motivated and enthusiastic and spent time getting to know their reading buddies before getting down to the real business of reading and sharing good practice.  Pr.7 pupils took their role as mentor very seriously and Pr.1 pupils can’t wait until they return next week.   Well Done Pr7 !!!  Now we aim to extend the programme to our Pr.6 pupils who will aid our Pr.2 pupils.

Rabbie Burns Event

Our pupils of Room 13,14,15 and 16 entertained parents and grandparents to a collection of poetry recitals and song as we celebrated Burns Day.  Our visitors were also delighted to tuck into a lovely plate of haggis, neeps and tatties thanks to our wonderful catering staff. Our raffle and donations also raised money for our partner St. Andrew’s Hospice.  A wonderful afternoon was had by all with all visitors passing their compliments to the kitchen staff, teachers and especially the children.  Many thanks to Mr.William Devoy who joined us from the Burns Society.