Category Archives: Primary 7

Rugby Training

Rugby coaches from Drumpellier Waysiders have been visiting the school over the last few weeks to provide rugby training to our Pr.6 and 7 pupils.  Rugby training is available at Drumpellier Cricket and Rugby Club on a thursday evening and a Sunday from 12.00. Next Sunday training day is 5th June.

Netball Superstars!!!

IMG_4231 IMG_4235Mrs. Elliott and the whole school are absolutely delighted and extremely proud of our talented netball team who represented the school at the North Lanarkshire Finals that took place today at the Tryst Sports Centre in Cumbernauld.  An outstanding team performance resulted in St.Augustine’s Netball team coming in an astonishing second place overall.  This is a magnificent achievement and the whole team should feel thoroughly proud of themselves.  Mrs. Elliott was beaming from ear to ear on her return and could not praise the team high enough for their commitment and dedication.  She reported that they were all amazing.  Congratulations to Cara for winning Best Player of the Team on the day. A super achievement boys and girls, well done!!!


Mobile Military Museum

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The boys and girls of Rooms 13 – 16 were treated to a museum visit with a difference today that enhanced their learning about the First and Second World Wars whilst also giving them an opportunity to handle the exhibits and learn some new and interesting facts.  Many thanks to Ian and his mobile museum.  We are sure to invite Ian back for further workshop session next year.


Sharing the Learning

A highly entertaining morning took place last week as the boys and girls of Room 12 and Room 15 shared their learning.  The boys and girls of Room 12 shared the novels they had written during our Literacy Week.  Children read enthusiastically and enjoyed the opportunity to impress others with their novels.  Mrs.McGlone reported that she was really pleased that this was successfully received by both classes. Well done authors!

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