Category Archives: Primary 7

Cross Country Superstars

Congratulations to our Pr.5,6 and 7 cross country runners who had qualified and then took part in the North Lanarkshire Finals on Tuesday.  Everyone did a marvellous job and exceeded their personal best.  Our congratulations is extended to our Pr.6 boys team who achieved outstanding success and came in second place overall in the team event.  What an accomplishment!!!  Fantastic running boys!

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Fairtrade Coffee Morning

Many thanks to the pupils and staff of St.Ambrose who invited our Pr.7 pupils to a Fairtrade coffee morning on Friday.  It was a real pleasure and the entertainment provided by the wide array of talent at St.Ambrose was an added bonus.  The cupcakes, as you can see from the pictures,  were absolutely delicious !

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Pr.7 Transition Visits

The boys and girls of Room 7 and 8 are enjoying weekly visits by staff from St.Ambrose as part of an enhanced transition programme with a focus on literacy.  The teachers are involved in closing the attainment gap and are out to challenge our Pr.7 pupils in their ability to analyse text.

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Pr.7 Spanish

The boys and girlsof Pr.7 were busy last week putting their spanish skills to good use as they were involved in role play as weather forecasters delivering the forecast in spanish.  Here is a peek at what they got up to last week.

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Author Visit

The school was delighted to welcome a local author who came along to meet with Pr.7 to launch her first novel.  Jane Burns is a local woman who has set her book in Coatbridge and in particular features Summerlee.  Her book is titled ‘My Sister’s My Teacher’.  We look forward to welcoming Jane back to the school to carry out some creative writing workshops and also to speak with our great readers in Pr.6.

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New Additions

The junior and senior department were delighted to welcome an array of new fiction texts to add to their class libraries.  Many thanks to Mrs.Fraser who spent a great deal of time making sure the chosen books will encourage our children to read for enjoyment.  Most of the books purchased appear on Nicola Sturgeon’s Reading Challenge list.  We are thankful to all parents who purchased books are our two previous Book Fairs as the books are purchased with the commission from sales.