Category Archives: Primary 7

Wind Turbines in P7

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Primary 7 had a special guest today visiting from Strathclyde University so took the opportunity of showing off their wonderful knowledge on sustainability.  The children worked in cooperative groups to investigate the workings of a wind turbine.  Mr Hart was very impressed with the knowledge shared and fantastic team work. Superstars indeed.

Solo Talks in P7

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Some of our confident individuals in P7 presented a solo talk to their peers today on the career they would like to have when they are older.  Superb presentation skills displayed, everyone looked so natural. Well done boys and girls.

Open Afternoon in P7

Room 8 was a hive of activity during our open afternoon yesterday when the children constructed their marble runs.  They were designing and building their own designs using recycled materials.  Thank you to our visiting family members for their support and expert advice during the construction process!

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Friendship League Finals

Our very talented school football team represented the school superbly at the finals of the Friendship League at Airdrie Football Stadium. They were amazing !! They played 5 hotly contested games. They drew 1-1 with St Pat’s and St. Timothy’s. Won against Carnbroe 5-3 and Greenhill 8-2. They were narrowly defeated by Kirkshaws 2-3. They came third overall with St Timothy’s winning and St. Pat’s second. Our team were a joy to watch and were outstanding ambassadors of the school.