Category Archives: Primary 7

St.Ambrose Pr.7 Transition

Attention all parents of Pr. 7 pupils who will be transitioning to St.Ambrose for session 20/21.  May is traditionally the time for transition work and induction days to St. Ambrose High School in order that the children become acquainted with their  new learning environment.  Unfortunately things will looks considerably different this year.  To support pupils and to ensure they get a feel for the new building and become familiar with staff St.Ambrose will be posting tweets and videos as part of their Virtual transition to S1.  So far Mrs.Douglas, Head Teacher has introduced herself and Mrs. Sullivan from Home Economics has given a tour of her department. There will be daily videos to showcase the work of al deprtments so please make sure your pupils keep updated.  Please ensure you have checked our twitter for retweets or have checked on St.Ambrose twitter page or our own PTA twitter account.

Online Courses P5-7

Please find attached details on online courses available from Keep Scotland Beautiful.

Using the tried and tested e-Sgoil platform, a timetabled set of classes will start 27 April, and gradually increase over the weeks ahead. The lessons will be provided by Keep Scotland Beautiful, SCILT, the National Languages Centre, and e-Sgoil.

There will be live interactive teaching for learners.  All of the lessons have been adapted over the last few weeks for a learning at home basis, some are existing and well known areas of the curriculum, and others are launching for the first time.

If interested please enrol your child following the link on the page.



British Science Week

This week in P7 we have been learning about Electrical circuits. We got to play with materials to create our own circuits and worked out how to install a switch or make the bulb shine brighter.

We also identified conductors and insulators through manipulating different materials. We can’t wait to try new experiments next week.

Confirmation Admin

We have been asked to confirm to the parish certain administrative information before P6 and 7 pupils are confirmed, most of which we are able to do by speaking to the children.  One query we have is the parish of baptism so would ask that P6 and 7 pupils know this information so that they can tell their teacher next week.

Thank you for your continued support whilst we journey towards this sacrament.



Primary 7 Yearbook

Work is underway to compile a yearbook for the Primary 7 classes.  Pupils will be issued with a letter on Monday that asks they bring in 3 photographs ideally group shots that include a few other P7 pupils, one from early years/starting school and some that provide some light entertainment.  We will include photographs from sporting events we already hold and of course Kilbowie.

You will appreciate this is a very time consuming task and in this regard your support would be very much appreciated, therefore early submission of photographs would help.  Original photographs will be returned.

In order to proceed with the preparation of the yearbook it will be assumed you give consent for your child’s photographs to be included unless you state otherwise in writing.

Thank you in advance for your support.