Category Archives: Primary 7

Pr. 7 Strathclyde Park Trip

Please check  your child’s bag in relation to important information regarding a forthcoming outward bound trip for Pr. 7 pupils to Strathclyde Park in February. A completed and returned consent form is required and a first payment is also required.


Please feel free to contact the school if you have any queries.

Virtual Assembly

Our newly elected House Captains hosted their first Virtual Assembly yesterday where they shared lots of important information and news with the whole school at the same time.  Due to current restrictions we had to be more creative in how we shared all the good things that are happening in our school.

Its safe to say we have complete natural presenters who have a future life on tv! Well done boys and girls you were fantastic!

P7 Leavers Video

Huge thanks to our PTA for organising and preparing a lovely video montage for our Primary 7 pupils.  We are sure you will agree they have turned out to be superb young people who have shown outstanding resilience over the last few months.    We couldn’t be any more proud.

We are sorry the end of their school year didn’t go as planned but know they will go on and continue to be amazing .  Good luck P7 we will miss you!


P7 – Young Scot Cards Delay

Due to the Coronavirus crisis the department responsible for preparing Young Scot Cards for P7 pupils were unable to process applications as they normally would.  The normal timescales and processes were completely disrupted as you might imagine.  

The last communication received has indicated they aim to have cards produced for pupils returning to school in August, and the likely scenario will be that they will arrange for cards to be sent to  high schools prior to the start of the new term. This is a change to normal systems where we would issue these to pupils in June.

In the meantime P7 pupils may like to familiarise themselves with  excellent resources at including local pages at   Young people aged 12+ can sign up for young scot membership and access additional opportunities, rewards and discounts on the web page. Social media pages also contain lots of great information about events, opportunities and youth issues, so please follow @NLCYouthwork and encourage pupils to do the same.

We will update you further should anything change before August.

Thanks for your patience.

Transition Visits for Pr. 7

St.Ambrose High School have done a fine job over the last few weeks providing a comprehensive transition programme to support our Pr.7 pupils and their move to high school in August.  Whilst the video clips don’t replace the experience of actually being in the building they have been highly informative and have given a flavour of what to expect in each department.  Mr. McMullen – Depute Head- has been in touch to invite pupils who require an enhanced transition and has provided the opportunity to visit the school.  Those visits will take place on Tuesday 16th June.

St.Ambrose have now extended that invitation to all Pr. 7 pupils – as noted on a release on their twitter account.  The dates are Wed. 17th and Thurs. 18th June.  However, please note our pupils have benefitted from a visit to the school in November and have watched the virtual transition programme online.  St.Ambrose is currently being used as a hub so there are staff and children working in the building.  The impact of this means  the visit will be short and restricted to two departments with only one pupil and one carer permitted to attend.  Please check the details on St.Ambrose twitter to determine if you feel this visit necessary to support transition at this time.

P7 Transition Project

We have been asked to share the attached project with our Primary 7 pupils as part of their transition to St Ambrose High School.

A document has been uploaded to the P7 Sharepoint and will be saved under ‘Daily Tasks’ that provides all the information you need to take part in this exciting project.  We are sure you will enjoy this and look forward to seeing how you get on.