Category Archives: Primary 6

Enterprise is the Business at St Augustine’s

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The boys and girls of P6 took part in a great workshop today where they started off with £25 and had to use this to buy materials, manufacture a product and make as much profit as possible.

The hall was a hive of activity with the winning team being whoever raised the most money.  There was also a prize for the team who worked best together.  Successful learners indeed boys and girls. Watch out Alan Sugar.



Developing the Young Workforce through STEM in P6/7 and P7

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Watch out Dragons Den our budding young engineers in the making are coming!

Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 would like to thank Joe Reilly for coming to see us on Friday to tell us all about engineering and to help us with our Scottish Engineering Projects. We learned how it’s really important to keep safe.  Thanks Joe for answering all our questions, we really appreciate it.

Burns Assembly P6/7 and P7

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Our Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 pupils held a Burns Assembly today for their family and friends where they shared their learning of the famous Scotsman Robert Burns.  Pupils read some of his poems before being joined by their family members to sing a lovely version of Auld Lang Syne.

Our afternoon came to a close with some refreshments and a delicious plate of haggis, neeps and tatties followed by shortbread made by our amazing kitchen staff.   All in all a lovely afternoon was had by all.  Thanks once again for your support.



Konflux Theatre Workshop – Anti Bullying

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The boys and girls of P6/7 and P7 worked with Mark of Konflux Theatre Company today to explore the issue of bullying. The children enjoyed workshops to unpick this issue and how some behaviour that may seem like fun is in fact hurting people’s feelings.

A fantastic drama performance was put on for the whole school where our talented children shared their learning and sent a strong message that bullying is not ok.  Well done boys and girls you showed maturity and confidence and we are very proud of you.