Category Archives: Primary 6

Room 7 Sky Academy Visit

Room 7 visited the Sky Academy in Livingston today. The children were given a challenge to design a piece of technology that could help someone with hearing/sight difficulties. They had the opportunity to use cutting edge technology to create their own adverts for the products. We seen some excellent teamwork with children working as presenters, directors, camera operators and we even had some special effect technicians. Well done everyone!!

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MacMillan Coffee Morning 28/09/18

Miss Devoy and Room 13 worked very hard last week to organise a fantastic MacMillan Coffee Morning within the school. It came with the usual array of entertainment and let’s not forget the ‘The Great St Augustine’s Bake Off’. The children in Room 13 worked hard to prepare a song showcasing their admiration for the nurses and the fighters and survivors. We had some fantastic entries from children throughout the school for our Bake Off, from Unicorns and Books to Tree-house Tea Parties and Cheeseburgers & Chips. Thank you to all who attended and donated, we raised an amazing £552.71!

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Canal Project in Room 16

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Last Thursday Primary 6 Room 16 started their canal project.  They were able to dress u as Glasgow gentry and navvies exploring the history of canals.  Later they constructed bridges from pasta and marshmallows.  This week they began their animation project………….in 6 weeks time they will showcase their work to parents at Summerlee Heritage Park!

Assembly Awards

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Our P4-7 Assembly was an opportunity to discuss our school values and how it is important for us to have self belief in our own abilities and judgements.  We learned how it is important for us to keep going when things get tough.

At our assembly we also recognised those who demonstrated resilience, hard work, the ability to try their best and also those who challenged themselves.  We are so proud of all our award winners.