On Tuesday afternoon, Room 15 went to Luggie Burn with our scientist Willie to release the Brown Trout. We are very pleased with how well we have nurtured and looked after our trout. As you can see we had quite a lot to release. The classroom is quiet without the buzz of the tank but we all really enjoyed it! It was fun climbing down the muddy river bank to release the fish in the Burn and for them to continue on their next part of their life.
Category Archives: Primary 5
Irish Dancing Success
Celebrating Achievements in Room 13
St Augustine’s Win Gaelic St Patrick’s Festival Cup
Well done to our P5,6 and 7 pupils who attended the Festival Cup against St Patrick’s this morning and retaining the cup for another year.
Thank you to our supporters for coming along today and encouraging us we hope we made you super proud.
Go Team St Augustine’s!
Cross Country Qualifiers
Assembly Awards
Fishy update from Room 15
Our eggs have started to hatch and we now have lots of little alevins swimming about our Hatchery. It was very exciting to see how they’ve developed. We looked closely at them under the magnifier and it was amazing to see them and their yolk sacs. We look forward to seeing them grow!
High Flying homework
Last week, our scientist Willie was telling us all about how humans and fish are similar and how we evolved from them. He told us that when we are in the embryo humans have gills just like fish. They then disappear leaving 3 small bones in the ear. He set a task to find out what these were and this girl was the only one to rise to the challenge! Well done!