Category Archives: Primary 5

Room 10 News

This term Room 10 have been learning all about Global Citizenship and the Rights of the Child. They have shown a great interest in this topic and have thoroughly enjoyed learning about people all over the world. On Friday, the boy and girls worked cooperatively to create a news report all about children’s rights. They each came up with lots of amazing, creative ideas and even had an appearance from Barack Obama!

Rugby Festival

Our Pr.4 – 7 pupils were invited to a Rugby Festival on Monday 7th at the Waysiders Rugby Club in Drumpellier. The children returned to school full of energy and enthused about their morning. They gave it a resounding 10 out of 10. The event was very well organised and accommodated the 180 pupils who attended from St.Augustine’s. A huge big thank you to everyone at the Rugby club for hosting such an event. We hope you to make a return visit soon.

Pr. 4 – 6 visit Five Sisters Zoo

Our Pr.4 – 6 pupils left the school on mass this week to visit Five Sisters Zoo as part of their work on Biodiversity this term. The feedback from the children on their return was extremely positive and demonstrated that the children had enjoyed a most successful trip and had learned a great deal. I received a phonecall just as I was leaving school last night to pass on compliments to the school for the wonderful behaviour and polite manners that were on show from all our boys and girls at the zoo. This was a delightful surprise and our children are to be commended for being excellent ambassadors for the school. Well done boys and girls.

Health Week

Our Health Week is well underway with all children involved in a full programme of activities and visits. On Monday the school welcomed NLC Nutritionist Michelle McGuiness who did a considerable amount of work with Pr.1 – 5 pupils. Firstly she worked with Pr.4 and Pr.5 to give a 10 mins talk about health eating and healthy food. Children were then encouraged to create their own healthy menu of starter, main meal and dessert which was then collected to assist with a future menu planning meeting. In addition there were food tasters for the children. Our Pr.1 – 3 children were involved in going to a variety of stations around the school hall. As you can see there was plenty to keep everyone involved and hopefully the healthy food and healthy eating message got across to all.

Busy in the garden

Our horticulturists in Room 12 have been busy at work contributing to the great work that is taking place around our school grounds. We now have a fantastic variety of flowers and vegetables growing and a wonderful harvest to look forward to in the autumn. Our picture gallery also includes pictures that Mrs.Chisholm sent along of Pr.1’s involved in their garden harvest in the autumn of last year. We really do have something to look forward to in the autumn.

Pr.5 are busy in the garden

Our Pr.5 pupils from Room 12 were eager to share their gardening experience with you all. Mrs.McGlone and her band of merry helpers were busy planting and weeding in our school grounds last week. Our school grounds are really looking great just now thanks to the commitment and hard work of the classes and the gardening club who are making frequent visits to our school garden area. It is great to see that children are taking such a pride in our school.