Category Archives: Primary 5

Room 10 and the Vikings

Room 10 have been enjoying their new topic, the Vikings, this week. They have lots of questions about the Vikings and are very eager to learn lots about life as a raider! The boys and girls learned that the Vikings travelled from Scandinavia on a longship, which inspired them to work together to create their own. Room 10 can’t wait to show off the finished longship, and share all their learning.

Medal Winning Gymnasts

The school is absolutely delighted that our first attendance at the NL Championship resulted in a medal haul!!! One of our teams won gold and we also have several gold, silver and bronze individual medal winners.  Impressive stuff!! They won’t be going to Rio for the Olympics but give it a few more years and we could be looking at a future Commonwealth or Olympic Champion.

Rabbie Burns Supper

As noted within our newsletter the boys and girls of Room 13,14,15 and 16 will host a Burns Supper for parents and grandparents of those classes.  However, the event clashes with pupils from that stage who will be attending the NLC Sportshall Athletics Championships.  At the time of going to print I thought the event was to take place from 10 – 12, however, the event is from 10 – 2.00 that day.  As a result of this clash our Rabbie Burns Supper will take place on Monday 25th January at 1.30pm. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may now cause if required to alter previously set arrangements.  Children from the stated classes will be sending their invites home with the amended date.

Sportshall Athletics

A group of our Pr.4 and 5 pupils were out of school last Friday to take part in the Sportshall Athletics tournament at Airdrie Leisure Centre.  The boys and girls came back enthused and delighted with their personal performances and scores.  There were lots of personal best recorded so well done everyone!



Marshmallow Snowmen

The highly industrious pupils of Room 10 have been very busy on the production line making terrific snowmen marshmallows for selling at our Christmas Fair on Saturday.  The sweet smell of soft mallows was mouthwatering as you walked up stairs and headed to a room full of activity.  The finished products look fantastic and are sure to sell out quickly!!!


Room 12 Enterprise

Our hardworking pupils in Room 12 have been busy all week working on their Christmas Enterprise project in preparation for our Christmas Fair on Saturday 8th November.  As you can see lots of planning has went into their business venture, including marketing and packaging.  The finished product looks fantastic with the pupils going into full production next week.  We are shure they will sell out fast.


Pr.5 visit New Lanark College

Our very lucky Pr.5 pupils set off on an adventure today when they went to New Lanark College thanks to a wonderful invitation to see the fabulous facilities and to learn about further education and some of the skills required for the world of work.  Mrs. McGlone reported that the workshops were amazing.  The children were in mixed groups with half going to the Science department and the other half visiting the dentistry department.  Then the fun began!!  The children participated in observing experiments and then carried out a few of their own in small groups with the science students – ‘burning money’ and creating their own ‘fireworks’ by spraying different chemicals on a flame to change the colour.  They even held the flame in their hand.  Poor Mrs.McGlone’s heart was in her mouth!  Many children wanted to be a scientist  after all the excitement.  After a short break the groups swapped over with the next group going to make impressions of teeth with the dentistry students and visiting dentists from China using many of the tools and state of the art technology provided in the college for students .  At the end of the session the children received certificates from the Head of the Dentistry Department and also got to take home their moulds.  Once again Mrs.McGlone noted quite a number of expressions of interest in this profession.  A huge thanks is extended to the college for a fantastic visit.  The school would like to particularly thank Mrs. Clare Flynn, Head of Faculty for facilitating such a great morning and to all the staff and students for making the morning such an  interesting, entertaining, informative and enjoyable experience.  Many thanks also to the parents who came along to help supervise.  We can’t wait to go back!!