Category Archives: Primary 5

Room 8 – 16 Assembly

Mrs.Elliott lead this afternoons assembly and celebrated the achievements of our superstars and also our cup winning Gaelic Football Team from Saturday.  They won the St.Patricks Cup which was a wonderful achievement.  As you can see from the smiles our team were feeling very proud of their achievement and success.  Well done team!!


Sharing the Learning

A highly entertaining morning took place last week as the boys and girls of Room 12 and Room 15 shared their learning.  The boys and girls of Room 12 shared the novels they had written during our Literacy Week.  Children read enthusiastically and enjoyed the opportunity to impress others with their novels.  Mrs.McGlone reported that she was really pleased that this was successfully received by both classes. Well done authors!

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Scottish Ballet

Scottish Ballet Auditions for Children – May 2016

Scottish Ballet is looking for primary school children to audition for their Junior Associate Programme. Information from Scottish Ballet is attached to this circular.

Auditions will be held in May and the closing date for entries is Monday 25 April 2016.

Children who are currently in Primary 5 or Primary 6 are invited to apply.~ No previous dance experience is necessary.~Every child who applies will be offered an audition.

Full details can be found on Scottish Ballet’s website at [ ]

If you would like further information please contact Anne Stephen at Scottish Ballet on 0141 331 2931.

Literacy Assembly Pr. 4 – 7

On Friday we continued our celebration of World Book Day.  After our attendance at First Friday Mass the boys and girls changed into their costumes that were based upon characters from the world of fiction.  It really was fantastic to see such a great response from pupils across the school.  Our Friday morning assembly involved the pupils of Pr. 4 – 7 who listened to a recap of the weeks events and then had a parade in their costumes.  We look forward to next week when the boys and girls across the school share the books they have written themselves in class.  We also have timetabled slots to visit the book fair.  A busy week ahead as always at St.Augustine’s.  As son as we have pictures of the Pr.1 – 3 assembly we will post them on the blog.

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Room 12 Amazing Authors

Room 12 were delighted to receive their World Book Day tokens in time for the Book Fair. They have been engaged in the creation of their own novels and have written a variety of genres from Sci-fi, Spy and Rainforest Adventures. This week they were involved in illustrating their book covers, producing a blurb and editing and redrafting their stories through collaboration with others. Looking forward to the scheduled activities for the rest of the week.

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Room 10 Vikings!!

The boys and girls of Room 10 have been very busy this term learning all about the Vikings.  Their homework project set a challenge that involved designing and creating a model Viking longship.  As you can see they took up the challenge and were desperate to share their work with the pupils of Room 12.  Great work boys and girls!!

Cross Country

Last week we had a strong group of very talented long distance runners who took part in the North Lanarkshire Qualifiers.  It was a great morning that gave our very talented pupils the opportunity to represent the school with pride.  We are delighted to announce that every single pupil beat their personal best and we also have a number of pupils who qualified for the finals.  What a super achievement!!  Great work boys and girls!