Category Archives: Primary 5

Chick News

Room 10 have some amazing news to share! When the boys and girls arrived at school this morning, two tiny chicks had hatched. A boy and a girl, called Kaka and Dougal. We are able to identify the gender of the chicks because the boys have yellow feathers, and the girls have brown feathers. Everyone was over the moon and so excited!! Children from across the school came to visit our two new additions. Later on in the day, Room 10
boys and girls witnessed something incredible, as two more eggs hatched right in front of their eyes!! Another boy and girl, called Augustine and Pipper. Kaka and Dougal have now fluffed up and are enjoying living in their brooder box, Pipper and Augustine will join them tomorrow morning. The boys and girls have also began caring for our new arrivals by making sure they have plenty of water to drink. They do not need fed within the first day of being hatched, as they are using up all the nutrients and vitamins from the egg yolk. The whole school is absolutely delighted with the new arrivals, and we can’t wait to meet the rest of the chicks!!

Room 10 News

The boys and girls of Room 10 are bursting with news as they have received and extra special delivery  – 9  fertilised chicken eggs.  They are getting ready to hatch in side the incubator which needs to be kept at 37.7 degrees.  The children have already made sure there is plenty of water inside the incubator as the eggs need a humid climate.  The eggs are due to hatch on either Wednesday or Thursday so the excitement is immense.  The class can’t wait to begin caring for their new additions to the class.

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Science in Room 10

On Friday afternoon, Room 10 made a huge scientific discovery! Last week they carefully placed an egg in a cup of vinegar and let science take its course. As soon as the egg was dropped in the vinegar, hundreds of tiny bubbles began to appear. They found out that these bubbles are actually a gas called carbon dioxide, which is the same gas found in fizzy drinks.They left the egg for a week and  made predictions of what might happen. The boys and girls couldn’t believe their eyes on Friday when they took the egg out of the cup of vinegar, the egg shell had completely disappeared!! It left behind a delicate layer of skin, called a membrane, allowing you to see into the egg! Everyone was so excited by this amazing discovery, and couldn’t wait to share their learning with the rest of the school!

Angle Work with Room 13

Room 13 have just started learning about angles. As an introduction, they created Angle Munchers…strange little beings with rather large mouths. Interestingly, their mouths are a perfect right angle and whilst a right-angled snack is their favourite to munch on, they also enjoy the occasional acute angle treat.
However, as the children found out, an obtuse angled snack is a little too big for even the most hungry Muncher.

The newly painted playground proved to be snacktastic!

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Science in Room 10

For science this term, Room 10 have been focussing on life cycles as they  prepare for the arrival of their baby chicks in two weeks time. The boys and girls became budding scientists last week as they took part in several egg-cellent egg-xperiments! First, they decided to investigate the strength of an egg shell by carefully balancing books on top of four delicate shells. The children could not believe their eyes as the eggs were strong enough to hold more than twenty, heavy books before cracking! They have also started an experiment which will investigate what happens when a raw egg is left in vinegar over the weekend. Each group has predicted a different result, it will be very interesting to see who is correct!

ICT Suite

Our ICT suite has been upgraded with the addition of 16 new laptops.  This has been greatly received by pupils and ensures each child has access to a desktop computer or laptop  during their visit to the ICT suite.  Here are a few pictures of our Pr.5 pupils using the internet to assist with note taking and in the creation of fact files about Brazil. They also used their time to challenge their speed and accuracy of mental calculations on Education City.



Room 12 and the Playground

Everyone loves the new playground markings and they have created a real buzz about the school.  Room 12 put their creative juices to work as they devised their own playground games using the markings.  Their aim was to increase fitness levels, strength, stamina and ensure everyone has fun playing as part of a team.  The children decided what resources to use for their games which included stopwatches, balls, hoops, skipping ropes and bean bags.  Each team had to work collaboratively and then had to explain the rules of their game and set the challenge.  Hopefully they will use these ideas at breaktimes.

Spring has Sprung!!

Room 12 pupils were inspired by the poem Daffodils by William Wordsworth in their search for signs of spring in the school garden.  Miss Tomei assisted the children sowing sunflower seeds.  Pupils enjoyed investigating, watering and tidying the garden area.  Hopefully the weather will always be as good and the children will not require wellingtons and raincoats on their future visits.