Category Archives: Primary 4

Roman Workshop

Room 9 and room 12 went to Summerlee museum to attend a Roman workshop. The boys and girls had a great day investigating Roman artefacts and even got to try on some togas. The children were so well behaved that they were allowed to hold a real sword and shield! Well done boys and girls.


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Maths Week – Pr.4/5

Miss Cameron wanted to share the learning taking place in her class as the whole school had a focus on Maths this week.  The boys and girls were learning to tell the time using a clock with Roman Numerals.  They also made a shopping list using Roman Numerals.  Here are a few pictures of the children at work.

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A Super Generous Pupil!!

One of our Pr. 4 pupils generously donated the money she received as gifts on the occasion of her recent First Holy Communion to Mary’s Meals.  Her outstandingly generous gift of £500 ( which equated to £624.75 with Gift Aid)  will mean 45 children will be fed for a whole school year.  Our wonderful Pr. 4 pupil is a perfect example of Faith in Action.  Let’s hope her generous spirit leads us all to reflect and think of how we can think of and support others.  Here is a picture of our Faith Ambassador with Liz from Mary’s Meals.  Liz presented her with a lovely letter and certificate from the charity.  St.Augustine’s is extremely proud of you and lots of children will be well fed this year thanks to your kind and generous deed.