Category Archives: Primary 3

Daffodil Tea and Easter Bonnet Parade

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Thank you very much for coming out to support our P7’s raise funds for Marie Curie today at our Daffodil Tea we hope you enjoyed all the delicious goodies on offer.  Initial counting indicates £186 was raised plus over £100 from our two fabulous pupils who raised funds during lent at their lunchtime stall.  Well done everyone you are all superstars.

A big well done to all the family members who helped make the Easter Bonnets on display today – WOW!  we certainly are very lucky having such creative individuals.  The children looked absolutely fantastic and you should all be extremely proud.  Boys and girls your singing was fabulous.  Huge well done everyone!  Happy Easter everyone.

Lego Therapy

Mr. O’Dowd’s class welcomed Rebecca from Speech and Language who ran a Lego Therapy session.  The activity was designed to enhance co-operative skills and to further develop talking and listening skills.  Within each group the  children were given roles.  An engineer would describe the lego pieces to a supplier, who would then find them for the builder.  The builder would then complete the model according to the engineer’s instructions.  Great team work boys and girls!

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Pr. 3 visit Kelvingrove Museum

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Both Mrs.Shields and Mr.O’Dowd reported that their visit to the museum was a great success with the children desperate to show off how much they had learned from their recent Interdisciplinary Project on the Egyptians.  The feedback from the pupils about the workshop was very positive and also highlighted how enjoyable and informative it was for everyone.  Congratulations to everyone from Pr. 3 for being such great ambassadors of the school.