Category Archives: Primary 3


We now have seven healthy baby chicks! Matty, Bobby and Humphrey, are all enjoying living in the brooder box. On Thursday, the children cleaned out the brooder box for the first time while the chicks played in the paddling pool. Everyone also got to hold the chicks for the first time which was so exciting! We could not believe how soft they are, and they just fall asleep in your hands. Augustine also made a guest appearance at assembly on Thursday, Mrs Docherty proudly showed him off!

On Friday morning we noticed how quickly the chicks are growing, they are looking much fluffier and they each have their own personality. Kaka is definitely the leader of the group and likes to boss the other chicks around! For taught writing today, Aedan and Dominic demonstrated how to clean a brooder box, and then the boys and girls wrote up a list of instructions. They made sure the instructions were clear enough for anyone to follow – so maybe Mrs Docherty will be cleaning them next week!! Room 10 loved golden time today, and spent the whole time playing and cuddling the chicks. We have also had visitors from across the school who have been very excited to meet and hold the chicks.

At the  weekend, Miss Lester looked after the chicks at home. She promises to keep everyone informed with updates and pictures!

Room 8 News

As part of our Health Week Room 8 were busy making fresh fruit kebabs.  In the afternoon they visited the ICT suite to link their learning in Health  and Wellbeing as they used an ICT programme called Splosh to paint their own kebabs.  The kebabs look absolutely delicious!

Pr.3 and 4 News

Our wonderful Pr. 3 and 4 pupils set off to represent the school for the first time at a Junior Cross Country event that was held last week at Coatbridge Outdoor Sports Centre.  Mrs.Elder reported that the children were bursting with enthusiasm and did a wonderful job.  They were so fit and healthy they wanted to run again. The visit tied in beautifully with the children’s Interdisciplinary Learning on the Olympics.  Later in the week they deepened their knowldege with a visit to Tesco where they learned about the types of food from Brazil and also learned about the diets athletes and sports people need in order to prepare their bodies for competing.  A truly inspirational week.

Our Playground

Our school playground is becoming a great focus of outdoor play as we continue to invent games using our new playground markings.  They have been a great success at breaktimes and have rwally inspired the children to come up with some very interesting games.  Here are a few pictures of Room 7 pupils during their P.E. lesson.

Room 7

Room 7 are delighted to share with you their learning.  They have planted cress seeds and are recording their daily growth in their cress diaries.  We can look forward to hearing what they have learned from carrying out this investigation.

Pr. 1- 3 Garden Club

What a lovely day everyone had for the first garden club of the year!
The children used their first day to familiarise themselves with where we are now with the garden.
They looked at what is currently growing in our greenhouse.
They investigated the new compost bin and discussed how our school could use it.
They also had a look around the shed and learned about tool safety.
Finally the children watered the plants and had a go using a garden tool.
The children will now help with future plans for our garden.
A great time had by all!

Drama in Room 7

Here are a few pictures of Room 7 using freeze frames in drama to explore different characters who would have attended a gladiatorial fight – linked to their class work on  The Romans.  The class also used the drama convention of thought tracking to explore the characters and their feelings further.