Category Archives: Primary 2

Daffodil Tea

On Friday the school threw it’s doors open once again to parents and grandparents as we hosted a Daffodil Tea for Marie Curie, one of our Lenten Charities.  The hall was packed, with additional seating being laid on to accommodate all our visitors. The boys and girls, resplendent in yellow for the occasion entertained with a medley of poetry and song.  Many thanks to our wonderful violinists who also entertained and to our House Captains and Vice Captains who took charge of proceedings. They did a wonderful job and lead the event beautifully. Thank you to  all who attended and for your very generous donations. We hope you enjoyed the morning.

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Room 3 Amazing Authors

These fabulous pictures from Room 3 capture the writing process and the activities that the pupils were involved in during Literacy Week.  You can see their storyboards that captured their ideas before the started their redraft.  Great work boys and girls and what exciting stories.

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Pr. 1- 3 Literacy Assembly

As promised we have pictures that capture the Literacy Assembly that took place on Friday.  Parents were informed of the week long activities that took place across the school and also got a chance to listen to some authors and illustrators who shared their stories.  All budding authors of the future.  At the end of the assembly parents and grandparents got the opportunity to read the wonderful stories that were on display around the hall. A fabulous week!!

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Room 3 Castles

The boys and girls have been highly creative and put their design and technology skills to great use as they constructed their own castles using a variety of containers and objects.  They put their knowledge of 3D shape to could use whilst also reusing and recycling.  Great team work boys and girls!!

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Committee News


The P1-3 Eco Committee had their first meeting of the new year on Friday. Cara, the Chairperson, took us through our agenda.
She firstly reminded us of our 2 new targets Biodiversity and Water. All other targets are on-going ( litter, Health, Waste Energy and School Grounds).
Here are some up and coming events and activities for our new targets.
Water –
Classroom lessons will take place to help children understand the importance of water in our daily lives.
Science Centre visits have been organised for the theme of water.
Science investigations on the theme of water will take place within classrooms where the pupils will be involved in planning, recording, reporting back and making conclusions.
World Water Day will be celebrated in our school – 22nd March 2016.

Biodiversity –
Garden Day – following our previous years very successful event we are again going to start of our school grounds/garden with an exciting garden day. Date – beginning March/more information to follow. We have always been so fortunate to have a team of volunteers to help us on this day and will again be grateful if you could give a couple of hours to help us with our garden work. Please contact school when our date is confirmed.
Garden Club- Mrs Chisholm will run her very popular garden club afterschool on Wednesdays for P1-3. This will start the week after Garden Day, early March. Date to follow. Children will receive a letter about club. Please return quickly if your child is interested.

Health Committee News

The P1-3 HWB Committee opened up our new kitchen yesterday at our first meeting since the kitchen has been ready to use. We discussed health & safety and hygiene before we split inot two groups to begin our tasks. The first group made healthy cucumber and cheese wraps in the kitchen area and the other group designed ‘Welcome Posters’ to be displayed in and around our kitchen area. These posters are to advertise and promote our new kitchen.  We then swapped over so that both groups got to experience both activities.

The aim was to carry this message back to our teachers and peers in order to share this good news and encourage all classes to use our Healthy Kitchen area.  We ar very grateful to our PTA for working so hard to support the school and fund this great asset.  Our chairperson Adam, recorded the minutes of our meeting in our HWB Committee folder which is available on our display board.