Category Archives: Primary 1
Disco Highlights Pr. 1 – 3
Pr.1 – 3 – Online Safety
Pr. 1 Cooking
Room 2 were busy in the kitchen last week making porridge. The children weighed the porridge, cooked the porridge oats , prepared the fruit and added honey to flavour. There were lots of cleared bowls with some children eating porridge for the first time!
Pr.1 – Financial Education Week
As part of Financial Education Week, Primary 1 have been introduced to money. They have been exploring real money and are beginning to understand the value of some coins and notes. They also explored other representations of money such as bank cards, credit cards, gift vouchers etc. The children were successful in their learning as they can now identify a variety of coins and differentiate between cards that represent money and cards that do not. Both classes made a grocer’s shop in their classroom. They enjoyed taking on the roll of the till operator as well as the customer. They now understand that everything we buy has a price and money is exchanged for goods.
P1 – 3 Award Winners
Pr.1 – Fun in the Snow
Pr. 1 and 2 Award Winners
Pr. 1 and 2 Award Winners
Elf Workshop
Primary one pupils in Room 1 have been busy preparing for Christmas and helping out Eddie the Elf. The children have been thinking about the size of parcels and using non-standard units to measure and compare size. The children were also developing their literacy and ICT skills by writing letters, writing gift tags, using the Tesco catalogue and website. The boys and girls have had a great time helping out Eddie.