All posts by Mrs Drummond

CSI St Augustine’s

Room 8 was like a scene from CSI this afternoon when the children learned about DNA.  Wonderful prior knowledge was shared before we built on this and examined our own fingerprints on a glass.  We learned to dust for evidence and how to safely gather fingerprints.  We have some excellent investigators in our midst – watch out!!


Confirmation Preparation

The boys and girls of Primary 6 and 7 have been working hard in preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation that takes place on Monday 26th February at St Augustine’s Church.  We would like to thank Father Kane for all his support in preparation for this important event.

Confirmandi children were issued with a letter today from Father Kane to confirm arrangements for Monday.  We would ask children be seated by 6.30pm for the service which is due to  commence at 7pm.  Sponsors should make themselves known to staff and will be directed to their reserved seating.

Seating will be reserved for candidates and their sponsors only.  Parents and other family members are asked to choose seating outwith the reserved areas.

Children are asked to wear full school uniform on the night and refrain from wearing cardigans or jumpers and should remove their jackets.  Please ensure everyone wears white school shirt and tie.

At the appropriate time during mass each sponsor should place his/her right hand on the candidates right shoulder.

Thank you very much for your support in preparing your child for this event.