All posts by Mrs Drummond

Peer Reading Exchange

Our budding authors from P4 and P7 met earlier this week to share the novels they wrote during Literacy Week.  They got to read each others stories, ask questions about characters and plots and then peer assessed each others work.  Wonderful discussions took place and our visiting inspectors commented on the quality and quantity of our writing.  Well done boys and girls.

STEM in P7 – Marble Run

Primary 7 have been learning about kinetic energy and gravity and have been designing their own marble runs with the hope we can make a marble run for 30 seconds.  As you will see from the attached pictures we have some very creative individuals.  Apparently the sparkles are to slow the marble down but i’m not convinced ! We will let you know our findings.



Active Schools Dance Festival 2018

St Augustine’s hosted the Active Schools Dance Festival today and our hall was buzzing with excited dancers covered in glitter and bright colours.  We are delighted that we won Silver Medal for our own dancers and pleased to say they are through to the finals.

We would like to thank the boys and girls from the other schools for visiting us and taking part you were fabulous ambassadors for your schools.