All posts by Mrs Drummond

Tesco Grant

We are delighted to let you know that our application to the Tesco Community Grants Scheme has been successful and our project will be put forward to a customer vote in Tesco stores.  Voting will commence in store from the first week of July 2023 until the end of September 2023.

The project with the highest number of votes across our region will receive £1,500, the second placed project £1,000 and the third placed project £500.

Please see below a list of stores taking part in the voting on our project.

6651      Coatbridge Bk St Exp      ML5 1ET             Small unit
5171      Coatbridge Extra             ML5 3SQ             Large unit
4473      Coatbridge Paddock St   ML5 4PG             Small unit
6760      Coatbridge Wdside Exp ML5 5NP             Small unit

To vote, you will need to make a purchase within store of any value. You will receive one token per transaction and it’s not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.

We hope we can count of you for your vote!

Blair Drummond Safari Park

This is a reminder that final payment for Blair  Drummond is due by Friday 9th June.  The cost of the trip is £9.50 and can be paid directly at the school office, on ipay (our online payment system) and also in instalments directly to your child’s class teacher.

The cost of the trip is already heavily subsidised by both the school and the PTA and as such we require all monies to be paid in full by the noted date.  Please contact the school should there be any difficulty in making payment by the noted date.

Leavers Mass

Congratulations to our Primary 7 pupils who were awarded their Pope Francis Faith Awards at their recent Leavers Mass celebrated by Fr Kane.

Pupils were joined by family and friends to receive their end of year awards, high school ties and yearbook.  It was a lovely service that also celebrated the retirement of Mrs Fraser who has been part of our team for 23 years. We wish her a long, happy and healthy retirement.

PTA Raffle

Please see below a message shared by our PTA :-

We have kindly had all the below items donated and we thought they would make great little summer ready hampers.

Raffle tickets will be available in school from
today – 20p per ticket/£1 a strip. Please send CORRECT CHANGE as we cannot provide change.

You can also purchase raffle tickets by sending the PTA Facebook page a private message.

The raffle will be drawn next week before the end of term. Don’t worry if your child is not going to be in the last few days of term, if they are drawn as the winner we will arrange for your prize to be delivered to your home. Or you can collect from PTA HQ.

A special thank you to Jill Heart Style for her kind donation of candles and gift cards.

As always, thank you for your support.

Accessing Glow & Teams

Good Morning Everyone,

Firstly thank you to everyone for their patience whilst you tried to access online learning this morning.  Unfortunately many of you experienced problems due to the volume of traffic on both Glow and Teams resulting in many being unable to view or access instructions and learning provided by Class Teachers.  Please know this is outwith our control and behind the scenes much is being done to try and resolve this.

Having offered support to parents this morning I have re-attached a Guide to help you access Glow and Teams if this is the first time you are doing so.  I have also attached a document outlining how to do pdf-Accessing-Glow-on-A-Gaming-Console-SSTthe same via a game console.

glow-help-document final