All posts by Mrs Docherty

What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am Mrs. Docherty

Mrs. Docherty – meeting

Sportshall Athletics – Pr. 6/ 7 group.- 12.30 –  2.30. Pupils to go for an early lunch 11.45.

Mrs Docherty to attend HMI expectations meeting at Coatbridge HS

Christopher Graham (SAM Group – ICT support)  to meet staff 3.00pm

Tuesday Football Friendship League- 3.30pm. .

Miss Watt/Mrs.Drummond – Confirmation Course

Staff Meeting

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – 9.20am – Pr. 3 – 4 Mrs. Fraser

10.45am – Pr. 1 – 2 Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Docherty to attend Area Heads Meeting – am

Sportsafe Inspection – am . To meet with Mrs. Elliott to discuss report

Oral Health – teeth cleaing – 1.45pm – Pr. 1 – 2


Thursday Mrs. Elliott – undertaking LIAM (Low intensity anger managment programme) work with identified pupils – am.
Friday Pr. 7 – to attend WWII workshop – Summerlee – out all day

Educational Psychologist – school visit


PTA LADIES NIGHT – Parish Centre. Tickets available at the office.

What’s on This Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am Mrs. Docherty

Mrs. Docherty and Mrs. Elliott – interviewing – 10.30am

Mrs. Docherty to meet Lynn Wilson, MaryAnn McGorry, John Agnew – Nursery Plans – 2.00pm

Launch of Christmas Card Projec

Mrs. Docherty – PRD – Mrs. Elder

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty – Family Group Meeting – am. School to host visits from Family Group  HT’s

Mrs. Dochety/Mrs. Kinniburgh (Educational Psychologist) -Feedback Meetings – pm

BEd. 3 student Marianne Walker – Rm 15

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – 9.20am – Pr. 3 – 4 Mrs. Fraser

10.45am – Pr. 1 – 2 Mrs. Elliott

Mrs.Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – interviewing 9.30am

RAG BAG Collection Day

Mrs.Drummond – Numeracy Coach Meeting 1 – 3.30pm – Mrs.Docherty to attend

COLLEGIATE NIGHT – Teaching staff to attendSt.Bartholomew’s – Assessment and Moderation 3.30 – 5.00pm

Pr. 7 Information Evening – St.Ambrose – 6 – 8pm

Thursday Flu Vaccinations – whole school

Visit by Uni Tutor – Clare Brogan to see PGDE students

Clare McKeown – SLT – to work with Language Group Pr.2 – 11.00

Mrs. Docherty to attend ACPHT meeting – 2.00pm

Mrs. O’Donohue to attend RE Co-ordinators Meeting 3.30pm

Friday Committee Meetings


NLC Firework Display

The Fire Brigade visited the school today to carry out a presentation with Pr.6 and 7 pupils in regard of the danger of fireworks.  Please note North Lanarkshire Council will host a number of free displays next week.  On Monday the annual display will take place in Drumpellier Country Park (previously this was held at Dunbeth Park).  The event starts from 6.30pm with bonfire being lit at 7.15pm and firework display at 8.00pm.

Please note that for Drumpellier Country Park, parking is available at St Ambrose High School and Lochview Golf Centre. There is limited parking within Drumpellier Country Park, including disabled parking, and the car park there will close at 6:30pm.  NLC would encourage people to bring a torch and wear reflective clothing as some areas are not lit. Parking restrictions will be in place on Townhead Road and Gartcosh Road.

Please note sparklers are not allowed within the venues.  NLC have indicated that glow in the dark wristbands will be available for children to wear to help children in reuniting with parents is they become separated.  Wristbands will be available at the event and are also available at M & D’s.

What’s on this Week?

Many thanks to the PTA who did a marvellous job organising the Halloween disco.  It was a great success.  A huge thank you is extended to PTA members and parent helpers for giving up their  time along with school staff (who also give up their own time) to organise and supervise the event.  Many thanks to all parents for your patience while waiting to pick up your child.  We had a lot of children and have to ensure each child is collected safely and that everyone leaves the building in an orderly manner.   Thank you for your understanding.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am Mrs. Fraser

Please note both Mrs. Docherty and Mrs. Elliott will be out of school all day today – interviewing at Kildonan Street

Tuesday  School visit by Mrs.Woodward (Curriculum Improvement Officer) and Mr. Henry (Education Officer)- 9.30am
Mrs.Docherty/ Mrs. Elliott – interviewing – am

Scotrail to deliver drama workshops to Pr. 7 – 9 – 10.30, 11.00 – 12.30.

Fire Brigade to deliver presentation on the Danger of Fireworks to Pr. 6 and 7

Mrs. Docherty to attend Multi- Agency Meeting – Social Work

Bikeability Training – Pr. 7

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – 9.20am – Pr. 3 – 4 Mrs.Fraser

10.45am – Pr. 1 – 2 Mrs. Elliott

Visit by Scott Hunter – Virtual School – 10.30am

Mrs. Docherty – Planning and tracking meeting – Mrs. Thomson – 10.00am

Mrs. Docherty – monitoring jotters Rm 13 and 15 – pm

VAtkinson – Girls Group

Mrs.Drummond – PT Leadership Course

Pr.6/7 pupils to Celtic Park – Many thanks to KRedmond for escorting pupils – 6.35pm pick up


PTA MEETING – 7.15pm

Thursday 9.00 Mrs.Docherty to attend meeting

9.30 Mrs.Elliott to meet Mindfulness Coach

Halloween Parade – 11.00am – Pr. 1 – 3 – to entertain with a song.  Pr. 7 pupils/House Captains to lead and present.

Pupils may dress up in the afternoon – Pr. 1 – 3 to sing for the school and parade- 2.00pm.  Apologies, parents are not permitted to attend.

MrsDocherty to attend meeting for Cluster Chairs – 2.00pm – Civic

Friday Mass – 10.00am – All Saints Day

END OF MONTH ASSEMBLY – 11.30am – awards for Sept/Oct.

Mrs. Docherty to attend Case Conference – Airdrie – 3.00pm


What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am Mrs. Docherty

Vikki Atkinson – Sports Leaders Training

Mark Haughey – work experience

Visit by Scotrail 10 – 11, 11.15 – 12.30 Drama workshops with Pr. 7

PGDE Students to commence placement 21.10 – 27.11

Chantelle Lambie – Pr. 2, Room 4

Alanna Reid – Pr. 3/ 4 Room 11

Samantha Hamill Pr. 4 – Room 9

Marianne Walker – Pr. 5, Room 15 – Serial Practice week beg.21.10 – 6.12 (23rd Oct. 5th, 14th , 27th Nov, 3rd Dec)

Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – jotter monitoring – class visits – am (Rm 1 – 4 – CD, Rm 9 – 12- MME)

Mrs. McGlone – Read, Write Inc training – pm

Mrs. Docherty – planning and tracking meeting – Mrs. Gillooly – 2.10pm, Mrs.Doyle 3.00pm

Tuesday Mark Haughey – work experience

Mrs. Docherty – monitoring jotters – am – Room 7 & 8

Mrs. Elliott – Planning and tracking meeting – Mrs. Ewing 10.00am, Mr. O’Dowd – 11.15am

Mrs. Docherty – Planning and tracking meeting – 1.30pm – Mrs. McMillan, 2.10pm – Miss Watt, 3.00pm Mrs. Drummond

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – 9.20am – Pr. 3 – 4 Mrs. Fraser

10.45am – Pr. 1 – 2 Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Docherty – monitoring jotters Rm 13 and 15 – am

Mrs. Elliott – monitoring jotters Rm 16 – pm

Mrs. Kinniburgh (Educ. Psch) – school visit

Thursday Football Festival – St.Ambrose 10 – 12 , selected Pr. 5,6,and 7 pupils

Mrs. Docherty –Planning and tracking meeting –Miss Ross – 9.00am, Mrs. Hanlon – 10.00am

Mrs. Elliott – Planning and tracking meeting Mrs. O’Donohue – 2.10pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend meeting  3.30pm -out of school

HALLOWEEN DISCO – Pr. 1 – 3, 6 – 7.15pm

Pr. 4 – 7 , 7.30 – 8.45pm


Friday Mrs. Docherty – class observation – Room 15 – 9.00am

Claire Ramsay – Speech and Language Therapist – school visit

END OF MONTH ASSEMBLY – 11.30am – awards for Sept/Oct.


October Week Holidays

We wish our school community a happy and restful holiday with  family and hope the Gifts of the Holy Spirit remain with you after our very successful, fun and reflective Mission Week.  Many thanks once again to the Sion Community for working with everyone this week and making the Mission so successful.  We look forward to welcoming the team next year.

Please note the school will re-open on Monday 21st October at 9.00am.