All posts by Mrs Docherty

Official Announcement

You may be aware that a pupil at the school has displayed symptoms of coronavirus and is now self-isolating. While this is not a confirmed case, a deep clean of the school has been carried out today and the school will open as normal on Monday March 16.
The council continues to work closely with NHS and it is important that the national advice on symptoms is followed. Anyone with a new, persistent cough and fever should not attend school and self-isolate for 7 days. More information and advice can be found on

What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am – Mrs. Docherty

Mindfulness Programme to continue with Rm 16 and Pr. 7 target group. Group 10 – 11, Rm 16 11.30 – 12.30 (2 sessions a week )

Confirmation Practice – Pr. 6 and 7 pupils – Church 1.30pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend enhanced transition meetings with High school staff


Tuesday Box Soccer – timetabled classes

Mrs. Docherty to attend Nurture Conference – Motherwell Concert Hall

Mrs. Scott to attend 1140hrs   meeting – Admissions – Kildonan Street – 10.30am

Lunchtime Rosary Club – Jan Caven, Pr. 5, Pr. 6 Pope Francis Faith Award support


CONFIRMATION– 7.00pm. Children to arrive for 6.30pm

Wednesday Mrs. Docherty to attend Area Heads Meeting

ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 1- 2 –Mrs. Elliott – 10.45 – 11.25

Pr. 3 – 4 – Mrs. Fraser – 9.20 – 10..00am

Body Builders  presentation by Generation Science – Pr. 3 and 4

Celtic Foundation – 10.50 – 12.20 – Pr. 4/5 – Rm 15

Class Mass – Rm 16

Karen Glen – Curriculo Solutions to meet Mrs. Docherty – DYW – 3.30pm

Thursday Mrs. Docherty to attend social work meeting

Pr. 2 to visit church – 11.00pm

Class Mass – Rm 13

Mrs. Docherty to attend enhanced transition meetings with JMacDonald St.Ambrose

Sports Leaders (HS) to deliver Hockey – to Pr. 6 – Rm 16 – 2.10 – 3.00pm

Mindfulness Training – Rm 16 (10 – 11), Focus Group (11.30 – 12.30)


Friday CDocherty to attend enhanced transition meetings with JMacDonald St.Ambrose



Lenten Charity Appeal

At our whole school assembly last week we were joined by Martin Mann, a representative from MISSIO, who spoke to the children about the great work of MISSIO. This will be our main charity during Lent with all classes involved in fundraising.  Children have MISSIO boxes in their classrooms to collect any spare change  to compete with houses in order to see which house can collect the most money during Lent. This week our Pupil Council are running a number of events and competitions at a cost of 50p each that are linked to our Literacy Week and World Book Day on Thursday.

What’s on this Week?

Father Kane has very kindly agreed to come to the school throughout Lent to serve Mass to our Pr. 5 – 7 pupils.  Parents and grandparents are invited to join their child’s class for the service.  Dates and times are noted below and will also feature in a separate post.  This week our school community commences its fundraising for MISSIO and will also launch our Confirmandi projects for Mary’s Meals.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am – Mrs. Docherty

Mindfulness Programme to continue with Rm 16 and Pr. 7 group. Group 10 – 11, Rm 16 11.30 – 12.30 (2 sessions a week )

Chris Graham – school visit for ICT  support

Reconciliation practice – Pr. 3 – 11.00am – visit to church

Confirmation Practice – Pr. 6 and 7 pupils – Church 1.30pm

Calum McFarlane Barrow Mary’s Meals Support Worker to deliver presentations to Pr. 6 – 10.15am, Pr. 7 11.15am – Confirmandi Fundraising Projects – Pr. 7 Rags to Riches, Pr.6 Backpack Appeal


Tuesday Student Serial Placement to commence for Luke Hinton – BA Year 3 (3rd, 11th, 19th, 24th , 1st April) – Pr. 1 Rm 2

Box Soccer – timetabled classes

Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group Meeting – Muirhouse Pr. – am

Mrs. Ellott – to attend 1140 hrs Expansion Meeting – Multi-purpose Room – Coatbridge Community Centre- 9 – 12

Lunchtime Rosary Club – Jen Caven,  1.30  Pr. 5 Stations of the Cross  2.00  Pr. 6 PFFA

Class Mass – Room 8 – Pr. 7 classes


Mrs.Docherty to attend STEM cpd –Shockingly Good Electricity – 3.45 – 5.15pm – Calderbridge Pr.

FIRST RECONCILIATION – 7.00pm  children to arrive in church for 6.45pm.  Children to dress in their school uniform.

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 1- 2 –Mrs. Elliott – 10.45  11.25

Pr. 3 – 4 – Mrs. Fraser – 9.20 – 10..00am

Celtic Foundation – 10.50 – 12.20 – Pr. 4/5 – Rm 15

Mrs.Docherty – Class Observation –Room 12 – Pr. 5 – 19.15am

Mrs. Rankin/Mrs. Scott to attend training session – Parent Portal – 1.00- 3.30pm

Class Mass – Rm 16

Book Fair delivered

Mrs. Drummond to attend – Numeracy Coach training – 1- 3.30pm

STAFF MEETING – Jen Caven (Parish Youth Worker) to be introduced to staff

Thursday Pyjama Readathon Day – children can bring their pyjamas, cushion and book for our readathon.

Class Mass – Rm 13

Rag Bag Collection Day

Sports Leaders (HS) to deliver Hockey – to Pr. 6 – Rm 16 – 2.10 – 3.00pm – please organise timetable swap for 27th Feb – 19th March to accommodate

Mindfulness Training – Rm 16 (10 – 11), Focus Group (11.30 – 12.30)


Friday Open Morning – Pr. 1 – 3 – sharing our learning/writing – Infants to dress as a character from fiction. Parents and grandparents invited to visit classes – 11.15  12.15.

Euroquiz – Airdrie Town Hall   10.00am – Mrs. Eliott to attend with pupils

Closing date for JRSO – WOW Badge design

Pr. 4 – 7 – First Friday Mass


What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am – Mrs. Docherty

Mindfulness Programme to continue with Rm 16 and Pr. 7  group.

Chris Graham – SAM (Supported Assisted Media) visit to classes

Gillian McCracken PGDE student to begin 4 week placement – Rm 7

Gillian Kaidenhead – Visual Impairment teacher – pm visit

Reconciliation practice – Pr. 3 – 11.00am – visit to church



Tuesday Visit by Bishop Toal to see Confirmandi – 9.30am.

Box Soccer – timetable. Please note the first two blocks for box soccer will not take place this week.



Wednesday WHOLE SCHOOL to attend Mass – ASH WEDNESDAY

ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 1- 2 –MMElliott – 11.30 – 12.10

Pr. 3 – 4 – MFraser – 11.30 – 12.10

Celtic Foundation – 10.50 – 12.20 – Pr. 4/5 – Rm 15

Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group Lead Meeting – 2.00pm – Motherwell Civic

Mrs. Drummond to attend PT Leadership Course


PTA MEETING – 7.15pm

Thursday Mrs. Docherty to meet Painting Contractor –  discussions will take place to plan for forthcoming works

Pr. 4 – to visit church – First Communion classes – 11.30 – 12.20

Last week of Pr. 6 Gaelic Football

Tree of Knowledge – Pr. 7

Sports Leaders (HS) to deliver Hockey – to Pr. 6 – Rm 16 – 2.10 – 3.00pm

Mindfulness Training – Rm 16 (10 – 11), Focus Group (11.30 – 12.30)

Mrs. Docherty to attend ACPHT Meeting – 1.45pm


Friday End of month Assembly – Martin Mann – Missio presentation



School Disco

Our school disco takes place this evening.  Pr. 1- 3 disco takes place from 6.00pm – 7.15pm.  Please remember that all Pr. 1 – 3 pupils are picked up from the infant department.  Pr. 4 – 7 disco takes place from 7.30 – 8.45pm.  Children to be picked up from the hall thereafter.  Please note children are not allowed to leave the hall without an adult picking them up in the interests of health and safety.