All posts by Mrs Docherty

NLC – Latest Update for Key Workers Education Provision

Please read all attached letters carefully for full information on arrangements for week beginning 23rd March. I have also attached letters distributed tonight from NLC regarding this week’s provision.

All parents/carers will be asked to provide relevant information with regards to their employment and working patterns. In this instance, please pay particular attention to the ‘key worker’ proforma registration form. If you can fill this in before bringing your child(ren) to school tomorrow it will minimise waiting time.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation at this time.

Appendix 7 – Letter to parents and carers

Appendix 8 – Key Workers Pro Forma


NL Communication

Message to Parents/Carers

Parents and carers are advised that North Lanarkshire Council Communications team are preparing to release information as soon as possible through its normal communication channels regarding the closure of schools to pupils from today. This will include

*Arrangements for children of key workers (including clarification of who Key Workers are)

*Clarification of arrangments for S4 – S6 pupils for SQA accreditations purposes

*Arrangements for those children requiring free school meals from Monday onwards

*Arrangments for children with additional support needs from Monday

Further information will be available soon.




Learning Packs

In light of the recent announcement by Nicola Sturgeon this afternoon the school would like to inform you that if you are not self isolating at present and have the capacity to visit the school please do so to uplift an envelope for your child. This will include an interim report that was to be shared at the parents evening had it gone ahead this week and will also include the login details – username and password – for accessing glow.  All teachers have uploaded materials to the site that includes planned learning and links to online teaching resources that would support home learning in the weeks ahead.  Please make arrangements for this to be uplifted if your child is not in attendance at school today.

Home Learning Packs

We are responding to an overwhelming volume of calls in relation to Home Learning Packs as a result of many of our families making the decision to keep their children at home at present. Whilst many of our children know how to get access to glow using their glow username and password the majority of our pupils have not attended school since the beginning of the week and may not readily be able to report to you their glow username and password.  Access to St.Augustine’s Glow SharePoint will enable all families to readily access resources, note recommended online resources suitable for your child and will also provide a platform for communication between pupils and their teacher.  The school is undertaking measures to ensure all pupils and parents can access glow and the sharepoint by providing pupils with their login details.  Children who are in attendance at school today will come home with their username and password and an interim report in light of the cancelled parents evenings this week.  The interim report will provide you with details in terms of your child’s attainment, progress, engagement in learning and next steps.  More details to follow in regard of advice around accessing glow.

Coronavirus Update (including nhs guidelines)

Understandably, we know that parents, carers and pupils have a lot of questions around coronavirus and how we are managing this within school.

It is important that we follow advice from the government and NHS and only make decisions that are guided by experts.

The advice is clear: anyone displaying the symptoms of the coronavirus should self-isolate at home for 14 days if living with people in a household. Symptoms include a new persistent cough or a high temperature. More information on self-isolation and symptoms is available at

This advice applies to everyone, including school pupils who display these symptoms.

In line with national health advice, North Lanarkshire is not closing schools where there are reports of pupils with these symptoms. All schools are being cleaned on a daily basis with a particular focus on cleaning surface areas.

These are very challenging times and we thank you for your support and co-operation.

For the latest information and advice, go to

You can also follow @NHS24 on Twitter and Facebook.


Our week ahead

Please note that due the ever changing picture around COVID19 the school has taken the reluctant decision to cancel the Parents Evenings at this time.  We hope you appreciate our decision to do so.  Arrangements are being made to ensure an interim report will be sent out to inform you of your child’s attainment, progress, engagement in learning and next steps.  This will be issued shortly.  Please note that the school has also made the decsion to cancel all afterschool clubs at this time.  Please be assured that the school is doing all it can to ensure all pupils in attendance regularly wash their hands and follow nhs advice. We are in unprecedented times.

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am – Mrs. Docherty

Mini-Sportshall Athletics – Pr. 3 – am. Pr. 7 Junior Sports Leaders to assist all day at event. Event cancelled.

Mindfulness Programme to continue with Rm 16 and Pr. 7 target group. Group 10 – 11, Rm 16 11.30 – 12.30 (2 sessions a week )

Mrs. Docherty to meet parent  – 2.30pm

NETBALL – cancelled

Tuesday Box Soccer – timetable confirmed

11.00am – Mrs. Docherty to attend Cluster Meeting St.Ambrose

Lunchtime Rosary Club – Jan Caven, Pr. 5, Pr. 6 PFFA

Wednesday 9.00 – Mrs. Docherty – parent appointment

Visual Impairment teacher – school visit 9.30am

SLT – School visit 9.30am

Submission date for Young Engineers Award – Many thanks to Mrs. Drummond for collating all entries

ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 1- 2 –Mrs. Elliott – 10.45 – 11.25

Pr. 3 – 4 – Mrs. Fraser – 9.20 – 10..00am .

Celtic Foundation – 10.50 – 12.20 – Pr. 4/5 – Rm 15

Class Mass – Rm 16

Thursday Class Mass – Rm 13

Sports Leaders (HS) to deliver Hockey – to Pr. 6 – Rm 16 – 2.10 – 3.00pm – please organise timetable swap for 27th Feb – 19th March to accommodate

Mindfulness Training – Rm 16 (10 – 11), Focus Group (11.30 – 12.30)

Friday Gaelic Football Practice – 9.25 – 1.45 – 10 boys/10 girls