All posts by Mrs Docherty

Aug-Sept’ School Newsletter

Please note the link below for our school newsletter for the start of term . At present we are only able to issue an electronic copy as our school printer is awaiting repairs.  When the printer is repaired a paper copy will follow.  It is our intention to become paperless in regard of all communication coming from the school.  If you have not made the school aware of your e-mail address please contact the school.  Data forms will be issued shortly to update your child’s information, contact details and to provide e-mail address.

Please note the pick up times for Pr. 1 are 2.45pm each day.  The pick up time for Pr. 2 is 2.50pm.  Please pick up your child and leave in order to ensure the  appropriate level of social distancing around the school.

Please make sure you have read all previous publications in regard to Back to School information to save making calls to the office.






First Day for Pr 1, 2 and 3

It was wonderful to welcome our new Pr. 1 pupils to the school this morning and to see how splendid they were in their uniform and how confidently they strolled into school. Quite amazing! They had a wonderful day in class and will no doubt have been delighted to share a story or two  of their day and new friendships made.  All teachers focused upon enhanced personal hygiene and the importance of social distancing. Whist children do not need to social distance,  teachers  must keep a 2 metre distance.  If this is not possible and close contact is beyond 15 minutes then staff will wear a mask.

Pr. 1 pupils will attend school at 9.00am tomorrow and will share the yard with the pupils of Pr. 4 – 7 who will also arrive at 9.00am.

Please be mindful at drop off time that only one adult is present to escort their Pr. 1 child to the school gate and that you leave in order to enable all parents to socially distance.  Pick up time for Pr. 1 pupils will remain at 2.45pm. Please ensure only one adult is there to pick up and that you leave the school site to avoid any form of crowding or congestion particularly at the school gate.

Pr. 2 pupils will leave at 2.50pm.

Pr. 4 – 7 pupils will depart at 3.00pm.

Please note that the school is monitoring the level of  social distancing at the school gates and fences.  May I kindly remind all parents and in particular parents of  older children of the need to organise a pick up point slightly further from the school to ease congestion and ensure social distancing at this time.


Return to School

We are greatly looking forward to returning to school and seeing all our pupils once again.  We have missed them greatly and can’t wait to see their smiling faces and to see how tall they have become during these last few months.  We have made a link to the most frequently asked questions in the previous post as NLC have updated their advice on their website.  Please check the link  to familiarise yourself with the general advice provided.

Every school is unique and will also have their own guidelines.  Our Back to School booklet was originally compiled in June when a return to school in August advocated a blended model.  We have updated our guidelines and protocols in light of the latest national and authority advice.  Please review and take note that blazers, ties and  full uniform remain and that pupils can bring lunch boxes and bags to school.

St.Augustine Back to School Booklet 2020 – updated

Schools update from NLC

I hope that you have had a relaxing break and are ready for a return to some normality.   May I take this opportunity to thank you once again for your ongoing support and patience during these challenging times.  All staff are very much looking forward to welcoming our pupils back to school from Wednesday 12th August.

Please access the link below to the NLC website and the latest information in regard of the phased return commencing Wed. 12th August.  More information from the school will follow later.

Schools Update-from NLC

As you are aware, information was recently sent out in respect of operating procedures for August (featured in a previous post).  In addition, class arrangements  for August were sent via text today.   Our return to school was based on the contingency plans outlined by Scottish Government and NLC and was always subject to change.  Please note the following statement from North Lanarkshire Council in light of the announcement today.

Schools update Tuesday 23rd June  NLC

Today’s announcement from the Scottish Government outlines the plan to reopen all schools on a full time basis from August.

We are currently considering the practicalities and implications of this announcement and will await further clarification and guidance from government, particularly in relation to public health and scientific advice.

Our priority is the safety or our pupils and staff across our network or primary, secondary and ASN schools, as well as our early learning and childcare settings.

We understand that you will have questions, and as this news was only announced today, we will make further information available on how this impacts on our schools and facilities in the coming  days.

We are preparing for pupils to return full-time to school on 12th August and we will be working closely with our schools and partners, including our early years and childcare provision to establish our plans, which we will communicate as soon as we are in a position to do so.









School Model for August

Please note that all parents will receive a text message on Tuesday to indicate the days your child/children will attend school from August.  Our classes have been split in half with Group A children attending on Mon/Tues and Group B children attending Thurs/Frid.  A letter will also be sent to every family to give fuller details in regard of class teacher and time for starting and finishing school.

Please note the booklet below  gives some details to support the return to school in August.

St.Augustine Back to School Booklet 2020

As a staff team we thank you for your great support at these challenging times and for supporting your child’s learning at home.  It has been a delight to see how well children have interacted with their teachers and completed their assigned tasks.  Great independent and successful learners.  They really have been a credit to you and a joy to work with this session.