All posts by Mrs Docherty


A number of children have been bringing lollipops to school for snack or as a treat after lunch. As the children are outside and running around this may cause potential risk of injury, so we are asking that they do not bring them to school.  Please ensure your child has a healthy snack for school break time.

A few of the teachers have noticed that children are bringing juice in their water bottles. As these bottles sit on the children’s desks it can be very messy if juice spills over jotters and books.  We are a health promoting school and advocate that water is sipped throughout the day and not juice.  Please ensure your child brings water only to school.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Changes to crossing patrol

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of the council’s budget-setting process for 2020/21, it was decided to remove the lunchtime school crossing patrol service at all primary schools.

The decision was based on the fact that the number of children using the school crossing patrol service at lunchtime has decreased significantly over recent years. In addition, all children in
primaries 1-3 are entitled to a free school meal and many parents/carers take up this option. It has also become the council’s practice to remove the lunchtime patrol when vacancies occur and
it is evident they are no longer required.

The last day of the lunchtime crossing patrol service will be Friday 30 October.

Important update – Please note changes to lunch menu and price

Primary Menu

From Monday 26th October 2020 the Primary menu has been updated and this menu cycle will run until the end of March 2021. As well as our hot main meal option we are now offering a Baked Potato choice on a daily basis. The two course lunch consists of a main course plus soup and bread or sweet treat fruit or yoghurt as indicated on the menu and the option of plain milk or chilled water. With each meal children also have a choice of two seasonal vegetables and/or salad with their lunch. The council would also like to reassure parents that the school meal service has worked hard to provide a safe working environment and staff are working to COVID 19 protocol.

Price of a School Meal

Due to financial pressures over the last few years, the council can no longer afford to subsidise school meals which is why it was decided as a budget decision at a meeting of the full council in February 2020 to fully recover the cost of school meals which has resulted in a price increase which should have been implemented in April 2020.  The price of a Primary 2 course lunch is now £3.00. We understand the impact that this may have on families and we do advise families who are eligible for free school meals to take this up. A free school meal entitlement is up to the value of the school meal price of £3.00. This includes all pupils from P1-P3 who are entitled to a universal free school meal.

Payment methods

In response to the COVID 19 outbreak we have made changes to our payment methods.  This includes taking cash out of the process which will help reduce the spread of the virus. (Localised solutions will be in place for anyone who is unable to sign up for online payments.)

What’s on this Week?

Mon. 19th


Mrs. Docherty to cover  Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Management Meeting – 3.00pm

Tues. 20th Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Mr. McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

FLU VACCINATIONS- stage to be used then hall from 9.40am.

Mr. Mullen to attend Digital Champion Locality Business Meeting

Wed. 21st


Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Mr. McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme –pm

Gareth Morris – Architect to meet Mrs. Docherty – nursery

Thurs. 22nd Mrs. Elliott – to cover  Rm 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs.S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am

Frid. 23rd


Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 – 12.00 – 12.45 and from 1.30- 3.00. Please note this is a permanent change to the timetable.

Lunch time cover – Miss Ross – 12.00 – 12.45

Mrs. Drummond – 12.45 – 1.30

Nursery hand over to take place – pm. Contractors to finish work on site.

Nursery furniture to be transferred from 3.30pm onwards from Time Capsule.

Welcome Back!!

It will be wonderful to see everyone return to lessons after a well earned break from school.  Our first term was a challenging one but all children and staff responded marvellously well to all the new protocols and regimes.  Throughout the pandemic we have all had to respond to new restrictions and updated guidance and schools are no different.  We will keep you up to date with any new guidance that impacts upon school life.  Please continue to adhere to all social distancing guidance and wear a face covering when at the school gates/fence.  Please contact the school by phone if you have a query.  The school will get back to you.

As we move into colder weather please ensure your child is wrapped up well for school and outdoor play. Please ensure all garments have your child’s name on it so that they can be returned to the rightful owner.  Jackets and uniforms are costly.

We look forward to working with you all in the term ahead.

Challenge Poverty Week

This week is  Challenge Poverty Week and we are aiming to support the work of St.Augustine’s  Youth SSVP . 
They are proposing to run a food drive for Coatbridge Stay Connected, a group established in St. Augustine’s Parish that has been supporting the community of Coatbridge as well as supporting people all over Lanarkshire and Glasgow. The group began supporting those who were shielding or isolating and have continued on to support those living in food poverty. 

They are asking for our help whilst  providing an initiative for Mini Vinnies to run – by collecting a tin of food from each child in our school one day during Challenge Poverty Week. 

The food collected will be collected by the Youth St Vincent de Paul in the Coatbridge area. This will be collected after school due to the current restrictions. All food collections will be quarantined for 72 hours. 
Please support this very worthwhile and much needed service in our local community and provide your child with a tin to bring to school.  If every child brings along at least one tin or packaged food we should have at least 330 items.  Please support our Bring a Tin to school campaign this week.

What’s on this Week?

Mon. 28th Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 7 and 8 – am

Mrs.  Longyear -attending Literacy training 1.30 – 3.30pm Mrs. McGlone to cover class

Mrs.Elliott tracking meetings with Pr. 1staff – pm

Tues. 29th Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 12 and Rm14 -am

Mrs.Docherty – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – all day

Mrs.Elliott – tracking meetings with staff – all day

Mrs. Elliott – class observation Rm 16 – 9.20am

Mr.  McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit –

Wed. 30th


Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 16, Rm 13 – am

Mrs.Docherty – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – all day

Mrs.Elliott – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – all day

Mr. McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit-

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme – pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend retirement mass for Mrs. Ellen Douglas –HT St.Ambrose – 7.00pm at St.Augustine’s Church

Thurs. 1st Oct Mrs. Elliott – to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – am

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am

Mrs. Docherty – cluster meeting – St.Ambrose – 3.30pm

Mrs.Docherty – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – am

Mrs.Elliott – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – pm

Mrs. McGlone to cover KRoss/Rm 2 – 40 min agreed slot

Mr. Mullen- Digital Champion to attend training session- 3.30pm – Assessment, Pedagogy, Forms, OneNote

Frid. 2nd Non Uniform Day -Bring a Tin to School

Committee Meetings – pm – whole school

Mrs. Docherty to attend virtual consultation meeting – nursery  – 1.00pm

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 – 12.00 – 12.45 and from 1.30- 3.00.

Lunch time cover – Miss Ross (Acting PT) – 12.00 – 12.45

Mrs. Drummond  (Acting PT) 12.45 – 1.30