All posts by Mrs Docherty

Breakfast Club

Please note the breakfast club is only for children who are attending for a breakfast.  It is not a drop off for children who are arriving early for school .  We need to ensure appropriate levels of supervision and also ensure that children from different year groups are not mixing indoors.  Thank you for your understanding and support in this regard.

Lunch Menu

hot option


Pizza and
tomato pasta (v)
Pork hot dog
with seasoned
diced potatoes
Fish Fingers
baby boiled
(mayo dip)
Mince pie
and mashed
Fish and chips


Not required Quorn hot dog
with seasoned
diced potatoes
Baked potato
and baked beans
Cheese and
onion pastie
and mashed
potatoes (v)
Quorn nuggets
and chips (v)
Baked potato with


Cheese (v)
or tuna
Baked bean
or cheese (v)
or cheese( v)
Baked beans
or tuna
Cheese (v)
or tuna
Snack 2 go


Choice of chicken,
tuna or cheese (v)
Choice of chicken,
cheese (v) or tuna
Choice of ham,
tuna or cheese (v)
Choice of ham,
cheese (v) or tuna
Choice of chicken,
tuna or cheese (v)
Soup, sweet
treat, fruit or
Lentil soup,(v)
fruit,yoghurt or
Vegetable soup (v)
or fruit
Chicken and rice
soup, fruit or
yoghurt or
Vegetable soup(v)
or fruit
Lentil soup,(v)
fruit,yoghurt or

All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price.  There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables, salad or vegetables sticks on offer, with two portions served with each meal.

What’s on this week?

We hope the children enjoyed their Halloween celebrations last week. Many thanks to the PTA for providing juice, crisps and sweets to add to the festivities. Children remained in their allocated seats throughout the day and continued to follow school protocols to make sure that there remained a continued focus on mitigating risk.  A huge well done to the House Captains and Vice Captains who did an amazing job presenting our second whole school virtual assembly.  I am sure we are seeing the next crop of television presenters!

Please note that all parents who are dropping off and collecting children at the end of the school day should ensure 2 metre distance and should be wearing a face mask at gates and around the school.

Mon. 2nd Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Staff Meeting – 3.10pm

Mrs.Docherty – meeting 4.15pm

Tues. 3rd Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Mr. McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

Wed. 4th



Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Mr.  McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit- based in MFraser’s office

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme

Sumdog training session –– 3.30 – 4.30pm – Mrs. O’Donohue

Number Processes training – 3.30 – 5.00pm  Mrs. Drummond

Thurs. 5th



Mrs. Elliott– to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am-

Mrs.Docherty meeting with Mr. McParland (HT St.Ambrose ) 3.00pm

Frid. 6th Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 –  pm


Lunch Menu

From Monday 26th October 2020 the Primary menu has been updated and this menu cycle will run until the end of March 2021. As well as our hot main meal option we are now offering a Baked Potato choice on a daily basis. The two course lunch consists of a main course plus soup and bread or sweet treat fruit or yoghurt as indicated on the menu and the option of plain milk or chilled water. With each meal children also have a choice of two seasonal vegetables and/or salad with their lunch. The council would also like to reassure parents that the school meal service has worked hard to provide a safe working environment and staff are working to COVID 19 protocol.

The price of a Primary 2 course lunch is now £3.00. We understand the impact that this may have on families and we do advise families who are eligible for free school meals to take this up. A free school meal entitlement is up to the value of the school meal price of £3.00. This includes all pupils from P1-P3 who are entitled to a universal free school meal.

hot optionRED BAND
Chicken curry
and rice  with
a naan bread finger
and a choice
of vegetables
Penne pasta
bolognese served
with garlic bread
and a choice of
salad or vegetables
Cowboy beans
pork sausage and
beans with
potato waffles
Steak pie
with mashed
Fish and chips
with a choice
and salad
alternativeGREEN BAND
Vegetable curry
and rice with
a naan bread finger
and a choice
of vegetables (v)
Tomato Pasta
served with garlic
bread and a choice
of salad or
vegetables (v)
Cowboy beans
Quorn sausage and
beans with potato
waffles (v)
Baked potato
with cheese
and a choice of
vegetable sticks (v)
Quorn nuggets
and chips with a
choice of salad
and vegetables (v)
Baked potato
with fillingYELLOW BAND
Cheese (v)
or tuna
Baked bean
or cheese (v)
or cheese (v)
Baked beans
or tuna
Cheese (v)
or tuna
Snack 2 go


Choice of chicken,
cheese (v) or tuna
Choice of tuna,
cheese (v) or ham
Choice of cheese (v),
chicken or tuna
Choice of tuna,
cheese (v) or ham
Choice of chicken,
cheese (v) or tuna
Soup, sweet
treat, fruit or
Lentil soup,(v)
fruit,yoghurt or
Vegetable soup (v)
homebaking or
Chicken noodle
soup, fruit
or homebaking
Vegetable soup,
or fruit
Lentil soup,(v)
fruit,yoghurt or

All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price.  There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables on offer, with two portions served with each meal.


What’s on this week?

Please note a number of previous posts in relation to crossing patrol, change to the cost of school lunches, Halloween and School Improvement Priorities for this session.

Many thanks to the PTA for providing Halloween treats for all children.  Trick or treating won’t be happening for our children this year but we aim to ensure children get the opportunity to celebrate Halloween in style. Please review earlier post.

Welcome this week to our Nursery Class who now join the school campus and have a wonderful new learning environment.  We look forward to getting to know our new families.

Last week Interim Reports were sent out to all families to give an update in regard of your child’s progress and engagement in learning.  Please contact the school if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s report.  We aim to continue to strengthen home /school partnership and greatly value your feedback and support to help meet your child’s needs.

This week we welcome a number of Strathclyde University students. Please be assured they are complying with the risk assessments from the university and our own risk assessments to ensure everyone  safety.

Mon. 26th Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Management Meeting – 3.00pm

Tues. 27th Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Mr. McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

Assessment and Moderation engagement sessions – SMT – 3.30 – 4.30- teams

Wed. 28th



Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Mr. McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme

Mrs. Docherty to attend teams meeting with Education Manager 3.30pm

Parent Council Meeting – 6.00pm- teams

PTA Meeting – 7.15pm- teams

Thurs. 29th


Ed.Psych – Feedback Meetings – am. Mrs.Docharty/Mrs Elliott to attend

Mrs. McGlone – to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am

Frid. 30th HALLOWEEN DRESS UP DAY – everyone!!

Mrs. Docherty – meeting with John Darcy (Facility Support Services) – nursery – 9.30am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 – 12.00 – 12.45 and from 1.30- 3.00.


Halloween Movie afternoon


Halloween Events

Celebrate #NLHalloweek with CultureNL Libraries

Monday 26 October – Friday 30 October

Across North Lanarkshire, there will be loads of fantastic spooky events happening online which you can get involved in by searching on social media for #NLHalloweek to see what’s on.

They will be transporting ourselves to a week of spooky fun in the grounds of Hogwarts with magical Harry Potter-inspired crafts and activities.

Wands at the ready, memorise that potion and don’t be scared of the dragons as you enjoy a week of Halloween fun with CultureNL Libraries.

Like them on Facebook, follow  on Twitter, on Instagram too and subscribe to them on YouTube to keep up with the action.

Keep an eye on the NL page for more details and some helpful worksheets, templates and spellbooks coming soon.

Spooky Facebook Storytelling

Get in the Halloween spirit by catching NL Halloween story too in their Facebook Storytelling group. During #NLHalloweek, you’ll be able to catch up with Christopher Pumpkin (the book character – not our E-Services Librarian) and watch out for another spooky story on Halloween too.

Join the group to hear the stories from Saturday 24 October at 6pm.

School Improvement Plan

This session’s improvement priorities for St.Augustine’s Primary School and Nursery Class

Priority 1:Improve outcomes for learners via the Recovery Programme for Literacy and Numeracy

Priority 2: Improve outcomes for learners via the Recovery Programme for HWB

Priority 3: Improve outcomes for learners via an established Digital Pedagogy across all stages

 Nursery Priority: Improve outcomes for learners through the establishment of a staff team with a shared vision, values and aims that support a nurturing and achieving environment.

Cluster Priority: Improve outcomes for children via implementation of the GIRFEC Pathway for Planning and Support refresh, the establishment of Integrated Cluster Wellbeing Teams and Bases and the further development of Assessment and Moderation across the cluster.

This session’s priorities mostly continue on from last year due the Covid situation and closure of school. As always, the school and our new nursery will strive to ensure that we are constantly evaluating and improving our service. In the next few weeks a questionnaire will be made available for your comments and suggestions, please take the time to do this as we value all feedback and use this to further improve the school and nursery



The school will be in full Halloween mode on Friday with all pupils invited to dress up in costume for the day. Children can arrive in costume for the days lessons and spook filled activities. Children as are asked to bring in a £1 for school funds.

Please note this is entirely optional so if children do not wish to dress down or wear a costume, they don’t have to.  Please be mindful that we have young children so costumes should be age appropriate and we ask that children don’t wear any scary masks or bring any props.  Children will also be unable to go home to change or change in school as we don’t have any changing facilities so all participants must come dressed in their Halloween outfit in the morning, so please ensure any costumes are comfortable.  We hope this goes some way to ensuring our children enjoy the usual St.Augustine’s opportunities, albeit in a slightly different way.
The children will be taking part in Halloween activities in class and will be provided with a snack and a juice courtesy of our amazing PTA on the day.  We hope they will enjoy some Halloween fun!