All posts by Mrs Docherty

Pr.4 Easter Enterprise

Miss Cameron’s Easter Entrepreneurs have been busy at work advertising, receiving, processing and delivering orders for their Easter business. Children have thoroughly enjoyed running their own business and carrying out their roles within the company. Their profit will go towards providing Goldentime activites for their class.
Order forms have been sent out to Pr.1 – 3.
Order forms will be sent to Pr.4 – 7 next week. £3.50 for one. Special offer 3 for £10.
Great work boys and girls.

Canon Foley’s Diamond Jubilee

During Lent it is lovely to see so many of our children and families attending morning Mass at St.Augustine’s Church at 8.30am. Please keep it up and if you have not joined us yet please do. Could I remind everyone that due to the celebration of Holy Mass for Canon Foley’s Diamond Jubilee on Thursday evening at 7.00pm there will be no morning service on Thursday either at 8.30am or 10am. Father Kane has extended a generous welcome to all parishioners to attend the service and to come along to a buffet reception in the school hall afterwards. Canon Foley is celebrating his Diamond Jubilee and St.Augustine’s Parish and School have been deeply honoured and privileged to have been led by Canon Foley’s spiritual guidance and service for thirty years. As a school community we wish Canon Foley our best wishes and will continue to pray for him as we prepare to celebrate with him the gift of his priesthood.

Football Festival

Congratulations to the boys and girls who took part in this morning’s football festival.  They did a marvellous job representing  St.Augustine’s and returned to school very wet but happy with their performances.  They were a credit to the school.   Unfortunately,  we did not capture any pictures of the boys and girls at the football festival so there is no picture gallery that shows off the footballing skills of our talented pupils.

Cooking in Room 1

Our Primary 1 pupils were busy this morning cooking honey vegetable kebabs.  The beautiful smell of cooking wafted its way along the corridor and made everyone feel quite hungry.  Our little chefs felt quite proud of their achievement and the kebabs tasted delicious!


Welcome to St. Augustine’s school blog.  Please watch out for regular postings that will reflect the community life of the school.  There will be regular pictures galleries that will give everyone a chance to see what has happened in school that day.  So please remember to check out the website on a regular basis.  St.Augustine’s is a busy school and we hope this blog will give all our pupils and parents the opportunity to  celebrate the achievement of pupils, classes and the school.  We hope the school blog will give you an opportunity to check up on up and coming events.